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SP_Alameda_19352448 viewsSP electric service in Alameda, 1935 Courtesy of John Stashik

6_G2443 viewsPainting on south side wall, close up. Must be bolted to wall. otherwise it would be gone. Photo by Evan

snmeteor2434 viewsSN Meteor Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection

sn2431 viewsSN wigwag near Lafayette, CA. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection

DSCF00052414 viewsThis is the track that was built to connect the formerly isolated Vacaville-Susuin Branch with the rest of the SN System. It was taken near Cannon and the entrance to Travis Air Force Base, looking due East. This track is now owned by the Western Railwa

2004_0229_165327AA2389 viewsThis is a view of the Paso Robles Road/Shepard Canyon Road Intersection. The r.o.w. can be seen on the other side of the street, near the stopsign. The station was on the left side of the photo, near where the houses are now.

canyonrow22389 viewsHere's a garden run by the Canyon school right on the ROW. This is behind the post office. Photo Sam Lewit on 5/30/04

trib8_25_68_12376 viewsOakland Tribune Aug 25th, 1968 Oakland's elevated railway Part 1 of 2

SNRRhellerslayout2371 viewsRoger Heller's Sacramento Northern model railroad in the basement of his home in Oakland in 1946. He was assisted by Les Krames and as I recall these were all scratch built. The motors are L to R: 102, -?-, 501 and 101. Courtesy of W.T. Larkins

nn_572366 viewsSheperd Canyon. 1948. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller

Coast31sf2360 viewsSP Coast Division timetable 31 effective May 5, 1901 San Francisco to San Jose Courtesy of John Stashik

5_G2345 viewsCeiling detail. Main waiting area. Lamps were hung from these. Like ancient Egypt, most of the original paint and undamaged details are on high up undersides. Photo by Evan

Sacramento_Northern_Burton_Flagstop_0242345 viewsThis is the Burton flagstop, which was located between Moraga and Lafayette.

SNRR604walnutcreek2343 viewsSN 604 at Walnut Creek. 1946-47 Courtesy of W.T. Larkins

SNtrain62343 viewsSN train 6, location and date unknown. Courtesy of John Stashik

2_G2337 viewsSP Logo detail on wall. South side. Photo by Evan

Interior032334 viewsOakland 16th St Station 10/21/04 Photo by Stash

canyonrow32332 viewsCould this be where the wigwag signal was? This base is located right at the foot of the fake RR crossing sign on the ROW behind the post office. Almost completely covered in vines. Photo Sam Lewit on 5/30/04

Vacaville_Junction_Facing_South2326 viewsThis view is from Dozier (also known as Vacaville Junction), looking railroad West (South). This portion of the line is now owned by the Western Railway Museum.

pacrailnews3_4_72g2323 viewsWestbound train on a siding at Burton in Lafayette. Pacific Rail News March 4th 1972 from the collection at the Moraga History Center

SNRR604and6032316 viewsSN604 and 603 at Walnut Creek. 1946-47 Courtesy of W.T. Larkins

Molena_facing_Rio_Vista_Junction2290 viewsA view of the tracks at Molena, looking towards Garfield. These tracks are now owned by the Western Railway Museum.

West032288 viewsOakland 16th St Station snack bar on platform. 10/21/04 Photo by Stash

pacrailnews3_4_72e2272 viewsDrifting westbound between Rockridge and Temescal. Pacific Rail News March 4th 1972 from the collection at the Moraga History Center

sndepot22254 viewsSN depot. Location unknown. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection

Subway_Undercrossing_B2254 viewsWest Pittsburg Subway.

Another view from 14th Street2251 views

vallevista222250 viewsUnknown location (looks like Valle Vista area). J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room

Trestle_Birds_Landing2245 viewsThis is a view of the restored trestle near Birds Landing (apx. halfway between Garfield and Molena) on the mainline. The trestle was restored by the Western Railway Museum in the hopes that they will eventually run their interuban trains here.

SPtr2482242 viewsSP train 248, the El Dorado, at Berkeley circa 1960. Courtesy of John Stashik

Sacramento_RR_Map_19582240 viewsThis is a map of all rail lines in and around the Sacramento area, circa 1958. The map came from the Yahoo! SN group.

Sacramento_M_St_Bridge_19112238 viewsThe Oakland, Antioch, & Eastern originally entered Sacramento on this bridge, built in 1911. This bridge was known as the M St. Bridge and was replaced in 1935 with the current Tower Bridge.

West052232 viewsOakland 16th St Tower. 10/21/04 Photo by Stash

14th Street View2222 viewsView from 14th street of upper platform

Mainline_Birds_Landing_facing_Molena2218 viewsA view of the mainline at Birds Landing, looking West towards Molena.

Hermosa2213 viewsUnited Railroads of SF "Hermosa". Date/location unknown. Courtesy of John Stashik
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