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SNRRferryRamon3400 viewsSN Ferry Ramon leaving the pier at Mallard. 1946-47 Courtesy of W.T. Larkins6 comments
21_G3399 viewsAnother interior shot of the Main waiting area. Photo by Evan4 comments
Mallard_ferry_landing_approach_track_Looking_Northeast3391 viewsThis is the approach track to the ferry slip at Mallard. Because the ferry slip burned, the tracks do not continue much further than this point.7 comments
24_G3389 viewsUpper platform, looking south Photo by Evan
SN_Waterfront_Map_Sacramento3389 viewsThis is a map of all SN rail lines and spurs on the Sacramento waterfront. The map is from the Yahoo! SN group.
ecS3376 viewsEl Cerrito, southern part. Shows Santa Fe line with customers and spurs. Line was abandoned May 1979; most of the spurs were gone long before that. Courtesy of Tom Panas3 comments
Key_PopJunc3355 viewsPoplar Junct., Oakland. Key shuttle car from 12th St. meets a 22nd St. line train bound for the pier. John Stashik Collection3 comments
table_5_1_283337 viewstable.5.1.28 Courtesy of John Stashik
pacrailnews3_4_72d3323 viewsGreat shot of Thornhill overpass at Moraga Rd in Oakland. I go by this spot almost every day. The trestle and concrete piers are gone, but you can still see the grade on the right side. The grade on the left has been leveled and is now the onramp for Hwy7 comments
Key1723320 viewsKey System, F-line, Berkeley Courtesy of John Stashik2 comments
nn_273319 viewsGreat (aerial?) photo of ferry Ramon at the landing in the straits. 1948. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller8 comments
portablesub3310 viewsSN portable sub-station near Marysville. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection4 comments
SN 44-tonner at Reed3274 viewsSN 44-tonner at Reed, 1963. Photo by John Harder. Thanks to Key Route Ken for supplying the image.6 comments
oldrail3265 viewsThis was an old piece of rail I found off the side of the trail. I don't know my guages, but you can see the scale with my GPS (about the size of a cell phone) right next to it.2 comments
SNRR661atchabot3264 viewsFreight motor 661 heading west at Chabot. 1946-47 Courtesy of W.T. Larkins2 comments
Havens_Station_19553199 viewsA view of Havens Station, near the west portal of the tunnel.15 comments
ecN3196 viewsEl Cerrito, northern part. Blue lines show tracks; pink notes rail customers. The Oakland line was abandoned in May 1979; most of the spurs were long gone before that. Courtesy of Tom Pana
18_G3167 viewsLower main line platform looking south. Photo by Evan
Keypass3158 viewsKey System pass, 1941. Courtesy of John Stashik
Oakland_16th_Street3142 views16th Street Station as of 8/2/2003. Elevated structures are still in place, but the tracks have long since been removed.3 comments
Demolition of 40th & Shafter Yards3127 viewsSacramento Northern's 40th & Shafter yard in Oakland, Califr being torn down, 1957. View faces 40th & Opal Streets. John Harder photo. Thanks to Key Route Ken for sending me this great shot19 comments
Clarksburg_Branch_Babel_Slough_Road_facing_Sacramento3118 viewsA view of the Babel Slough Rd. grade crossing, facing towards Riverview.1 comments
Sacramento_Northern_Concord_Station_2_0213117 viewsThis is a view of the station platform at Concord.
schmidt23106 viewsSanta Fe in El Cerrito; Schmidt Lane area Courtesy of Tom Panas9 comments
westernarc7_17_23096 viewsWestern Architect Magazine July 1917 16th St. SP station.4 comments
00_273079 viewsTrain 27. Last revenue passenger train to run over the line. 7-12-41. First station built by local residents to replace flag stop. Note unique design compared to other SN structures. Photo courtesy of Vernon Sappers2 comments
railrebar3075 viewsIn a few places it looked like some of the rail was used as concrete reinforcement. All the rail I found on my hike today was different guages. This one here was very small. I'd say about the same size as the rail used at the Tilden Steam trains!1 comments
marker3072 viewsFor so few remnants of the SN, I was excited to see this. I don't know what it was, but it looks like some kind of mileage marker or something. The top has a bevel so it appears that this was the correct height. The top is roughly 2 feet above the roadbed3 comments
SN_Switchstand_1_for_Mallard_ferry_approach3072 viewsOriginal SN switchstand still standing at West Pittsburg. This switch leads to the side storage track.4 comments
17_G3060 viewsUpper Red Train platform looking north Photo by Evan3 comments
2004_0229_165125AA3055 viewsThis is a view of the r.o.w. at Havens, from Paso Robles Road, looking East towards the tunnel.3 comments
Interior013047 viewsOakland 16th St Station. SP herald on south wall. 10/21/04 Photo by Stash
2004_0229_171842AA3044 viewsThis is a view of the r.o.w. at Temescal, looking East towards Montclairl. This photo can be compared to that of the one in the newspaper article, also posted on this site. Notice that little has changed.
conlon_potrero23043 viewsAT&SF Ry in El Cerrito between Conlon and Potrero. Courtesy of Tom Panas
Key9563026 viewsKey 956 is assigned to the Westbrae line and is shown near Hearst & Sacramento Sts. in Berkeley. The train on the other track is on the H-line. Courtesy of John Stashik
SN_Stationpost_for_West_Pittsburg3006 viewsThis appears to have been the West Pittsburg station signpost, although that has not been confirmed.10 comments
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