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Temescal_curve_with_Engine_670_Eastbound3965 viewsSteeplecab 670 rounding the curve near Temescal. The train is heading Eastbound. Photo by Wilbur C. Whittaker; Garth G. Groff collection
SNyard3956 viewsNear 40th & Shafter in Oakland. The houses on the left are on the north side of 41st St. east of Shafter. That's Shafter in the foreground. Courtesy of John Stashik
2004_0313_172713AA3921 viewsA view through the fence, where the Mallard ferry slip once was.
R_O_W_Pittsburg_Looking_West3910 viewsThis is a view of the r.o.w. in Pittsburg, looking West towards West Pittsburg. The track was where the sidewalk is now.1 comments
SNfreight3908 viewsSN motors 660 and 661 lead a westward freight through the Montclair district in Oakland. This is just west of the bridge across Mountain Blvd. (the street shown in the background). Courtesy of John Stashik8 comments
22_G3871 viewsFountain/Snack bar area, Main Waiting room. Photo by Evan
20_G3861 viewsOld SP heavy electrics at the WRM. I always thought the tree window models looked like some sort of spacecraft. Photo by Evan4 comments
41stsanpablo23819 viewsSN locomotive at 41st and San Pablo next to the still standing former Bank of America building. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room3 comments
SNRRshafterncollege3810 viewsShafter and College Avenues 1946 Courtesy of W.T. Larkins16 comments
cable23807 viewsAnother guy wire. This one had no rust on it whatsoever. This shot is on top of the little hillside looking right down at where the tracks would emerge from the tunnel. Photo Sam Lewit on 5/9/046 comments
Shafter_Street_40th_Street_Looking_Northeast3787 viewsThis is a view up Shafter Street, from 40th. The track ran along the left side of the street.1 comments
exKey_Argentina_13613780 viewsex-Key System unit in Argentina, 1963 Courtesy of John Stashik10 comments
Trestle_Remnants_Near_Montezuma3778 viewsThese are the trestle remains on the r.o.w. near Montezuma. The remains of the drawbridge at Dutton can be seen in the background.3 comments
rockspur3777 viewsSN view looking east into Rockridge in Berkeley Hills. SN ran many picnic trains into this siding as there was a creek and picnic facilities. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection9 comments
40thshafter3774 viewsSN 40th and Shafter yards. Oakland, CA. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection
Key175_A3765 viewsJuly 1956 at 12th & Oak Sts., in Oakland, terminal for the "A" line. Alameda County Courthouse in background. John Stashik Collection1 comments
4_19_243701 viewsPostmark from Sequoya. This was a stop on the Sacramento Northern in Canyon. Date 4-19-24. Courtesy of Moraga History Center
stockton_fairmount23699 viewsSanta Fe in El Cerrito, Stockton to Fairmount Aves. Courtesy of Tom Panas
nn_653694 viewsPhoto caption says "Montclair", but this looks like Chabot Rd overpass. 1948. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller2 comments
Tower13682 viewsBridge Rly. San Francisco interlocking tower. This controlled Key System, IER and SN train movements. Photo probably taken 1939. Courtesy of John Stashik1 comments
pacrailnews3_4_72c3672 viewsSN 604 heading west down Shafter Ave. Pacific Rail News March 4th 1972 from the collection at the Moraga History Center1 comments
3640 views2 comments
stmarys43608 viewsEntrance to St Mary's College in Moraga with a small inset of same exact view when SN trains ran through. There is no trace of the ROW on or near this road. If you go off just a bit to the left, the ROW begins in kind of a weird jungle like atmosphere. Se8 comments
nn_683587 viewsPhoto caption says Temescal cut, but I'm not so sure that's right. I can't picture where this is. 1948. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller14 comments
sppano3576 viewsI took three of Evan's photos and crudely turned them into a panoramic of the front of the SP 16th Street station.[Sam] Photo by Evan2 comments
12_G3542 viewsClose up of stonework detail out front. Photo by Evan26 comments
Key129_A_Twr23541 views"A" train at Tower 2 John Stashik Collection
Key1223532 viewsKey System A-line at Havenscourt Courtesy of John Stashik3 comments
Key118_12_Bway3505 viewsEastbound "A" train crosses Broadway on 12th St. in downtown Oakland. April 15, 1958. John Stashik Collection2 comments
Grade_Xing_near_Kilgore3493 viewsThis is a grade crossing near the BART test track (possibly San Miguel Road?). While I can not tell the exact location, it would appear to be somewhere near Kilgore, which is where the BART test track was. Photo is from the SN Yahoo! group.6 comments
Shiloh_Road_Facing_Molena3493 viewsThis is the Shiloh Road safety stop for the Western Railway Museum, looking West towards Molena.4 comments
40th_and_Shafter3489 views40th and Shafter today
Key1873465 viewsKey System "C" train lays over the Oakland Ave. and Latham Sts. in Piedmont, the end of the line. Courtesy of John Stashik1 comments
Sacramento_Tower_Bridge_1935_Westbound3457 viewsThis is the East end of the Tower Bridge, as it appeared for its opening in 1935. Note the SP Walnut Grove branch crossing in the foreground. This interlocking was controlled by a flagman.1 comments
Subway_Undercrossing_Approach_Track_McAvoy_Road3448 viewsThis is the approach track to the West Pittsburg Subway. The photo was taken from MacAvoy Road. Note the newly installed concrete crossing.2 comments
nn_703404 viewsLake Temescal cut. I believe we're looking north. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller16 comments
426 files on 12 page(s) 4