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USGS4980 viewsThe FULL SIZE image is 1.2 megabytes. Dialups will have a wait.This is a fantastic re-make of the map that was originally put together by Steven R. Mix in 1999. The re-make was done by Lee Donehower in 2002 with the help of Steven Mix. Lee was extremely g2 comments
save00104942 viewsKS Special using SN 1005 up on B line at Underhills J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room30 comments
save00154869 views#271 special car in cut between Broadway and Piedmont station on C line. Note block signal for single track use. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room1 comments
SNRR404oaklandyard4784 viewsSN 404 at the Oakland Key(?)Yard. Courtesy of W.T. Larkins1 comments
41st_and_Shafter4775 views41st and Shafter today1 comments
2004_0313_172008AA4774 viewsWest Pittsburg Wye, viewed from near Mallard. The track to the left went to Pittsburg. The track to the right was the mainline to Port Chicago.1 comments
Key1294734 viewsA westbound Key System "E" train at 55th & Shattuck, Oakland. Courtesy of John Stashik12 comments
nn_674707 viewsIn and around Montclair ROW. Roger's 1948 Nash on the left. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller18 comments
Trestle_abutment_over_Mountain_Blvd_Montclair4698 viewsThese are the remains of the trestle over Mountain Blvd. in the Montclair District of Oakland.1 comments
trib12_1_574650 viewsOakland Tribune December 1st, 1957 SN tombstones.2 comments
SN_652_over_Mountain_Blvd_color_19564590 viewsThis is a color photo of SN 652 passing over Mountain Blvd. in the Montclair District of Oakland, shortly before abandonment (1956). It was posted on the Yahoo! SN group site and has been pasted here.1 comments
RRcaratChabot4567 viewsJune 1941 photo of the GSTHS car at Chabot. Courtesy of W.T. Larkins9 comments
R_O_W_Temescal_Looking_West4546 viewsR.O.W. @ Temescal--Looking West.JPG4 comments
26thSt_spanwire4496 viewsRemnants of the past in West Oakland.1 comments
stepdetail4496 views# 575 on the F line stored between runs at tower #2. Platform detail. Note valve next to ventilator, IFA signal is run by an arm drops and trips this valve throwing train into emergency. Has to be manually reset. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oa3 comments
SN_yard_Sanborn_Map4469 viewsThis is a 1951 Sanborn map of the 40th and Shafter yard. Great detail. Full size image is almost 3 megabytes.
Sacramento_Northern_North_6th_Street_Concord_0254449 viewsThis is the North 6th Street crossing in Concord, as it appeared in the early 1970's. By that time, very little traffic traveled on the line, and it was soon removed back to Clyde. BART now crosses under this same location.9 comments
Meinert_Junction_for_Walwood_Branch4446 viewsThis junction is at Meinert, about halfway between Concord and Walnut Creek. The track leading to the left is the remains of the Walwood Branch, long abandoned by the time this picture was taken. Photo from the SN Online website.24 comments
Key1554399 viewsKey System, A-line, Oakland Courtesy of John Stashik
Key6874399 viewsDescending the hill from Grand Avenue on the C-Piedmont line is Key System 687. Courtesy of John Stashik7 comments
3_G4392 viewsWall deatil above mens room door, main waiting area. Photo by Evan8 comments
41stsanpablo4387 viewsSN locomotive at 41st and San Pablo next to the still standing former Bank of America building. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room15 comments
SN6444321 viewsSN motor 644. This may be in Oakland. Courtesy of John Stashik3 comments
nn_934299 viewsBroadway and Shafter at Anthony Wayne Chabot Grammer School. 1948 Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller33 comments
Key925_2_7thCedar4290 viewsKSTL car at 7th & Cedar, Oakland, 1948. John Stashik Collection6 comments
Key152_E4276 viewsDomingo Ave. bound "E" train on 55th at Vicente St., Oakland in Sept. 1956. Telegraph Ave. is the intersection in the background. John Stashik Collection4 comments
cable14269 viewsYet another cable. We decided to go down here with a metal detector trying to find any trace of the past. We actually climbed the hillside where the portal was almost to the top. It was quite difficult, but no trace of anything but bottles and cans. Metal9 comments
Key175_F4228 views"F" train at Solano & The Alameda, Berkeley, September 1956. John Stashik Collection6 comments
pacrailnews3_4_72b4127 viewsSN #442 at 40th and Shafter shops. Pacific Rail News March 4th 1972 from the collection at the Moraga History Center1 comments
westernarc7_17_44094 viewsWestern Architect Magazine July 1917 Platform and outline drawings of 16th St SP station.2 comments
SN_Switchstand_2_for_Mallard_ferry_approach4081 viewsThis is the second switch at West Pittsburg. It leads to a passing track on the West leg of the Wye.
ferry_point_Apr604064 viewsSanta Fe Railway at Ferry Point in Richmond. April 1960 Courtesy of John Stashik5 comments
SNRR440streetcrossing4014 viewsSN 440 crossing 40th and Shafter. Courtesy of W.T. Larkins7 comments
oakpress6_824010 viewsOakland Press - June 1982 Nothing much has changed in this picture over the past 50 years.1 comments
23_G4000 viewsSecond shot. Old SP cars in WRM boneyard Photo by Evan12 comments
nn_33987 viewsLeaving Moraga. Heading west. 1948. There is a mix-up on who took this photo. I'm working on resolving it, but at this point it looks like it's either Roger K. Heller or William T. Larkins.19 comments
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