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SNRR420unknownloc6868 viewsSN 420 at unknown location in 1946. Courtesy of W.T. Larkins15 comments
nn_616574 viewsGreat shot of train approaching the west portal of the Oakland Hills tunnel. 1948 Photo courtesy of William T. Larkins22 comments
Summit6534 viewsThis photo was taken near the West portal of the tunnel, at the summit, looking West.4 comments
chron6_6_086418 viewsChronicle June 6th, 1908 Description of new line to be built to San Jose (never "fully" materialized).2 comments
Key178_B6369 viewsEastward "B" train on Grand Ave. between Valdez and Harrison Sts. in Oakland, Sept., 1956. John Stashik Collection47 comments
sn6706163 viewsSN loco #670 ex TS favorite of motorman George Hademan taken at 40th and Shafter in Oakland. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection
sn4406093 viewsSN motor #440 used in SN OT transfer westbound at San Pablo Ave. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection
Sacramento_Union_Station_Front6034 viewsThis is Sacramento's Union Station. At one time, this station was served by THREE different railroad companies--Oakland, Antioch, & Eastern, Northern Electric, and Central California Traction.135 comments
IER_Alameda_19396008 viewsIER routes in Alameda, 1939 Courtesy of John Stashik34 comments
Key_Berkeley19105879 viewsBack when the Key Route was new! Berkeley in 1910. John Stashik Collection2 comments
Key6645855 viewsKey System 664 is shown at Hopkins and California Sts. in Berkeley on the H route, 1935. Courtesy of John Stashik4 comments
KeyRouteInn5740 viewsThe famous Key Route Inn on the 22nd Street line of the San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose Railway. The downtown Oakland street would later be known as Grand Avenue, route of the B-line. Courtesy of John Stashik12 comments
Rockridge5687 viewsA Westbound interurban approaches the Rockridge grade crossing.18 comments
trains5636 viewsTable showing train numbers on the Richmond-Oakland line. Courtesy of Tom Panas7 comments
Butterfly Sheds5539 viewsSheds in new development a block south of the old SP station at 13th and Wood41 comments
Key_SanPabloSta5525 views40th & San Pablo, Emeryville. A Key train stops at this well known station. Courtesy of John Stashik20 comments
trib7_17_695515 viewsOakland Tribune July 17th, 1969 Article describing Emeryville's great car building capabilities.2 comments
wheelwell5447 viewsThis is a view of what is being called the concrete bunker. According to the maps, this was the upper portion of a cable tram which traversed down to about the middle of where Hwy 13 is now. On the right side was a conveyor tram which went down to over Hw5 comments
San_Francisco_Terminal_East_End5443 viewsThis is a view of the terminal facilities in San Francisco, looking West into the terminal. The SN arrived on Track 6, which was on the South side of the terminal. The train is preparing to depart out the West end of the terminal and back out onto the B4 comments
nn_805426 viewsOakland 40th and Shafter looking up Shafter Ave. 1948. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller5 comments
Piedmont_before_after5398 viewsAt Piedmont Community Center. Now photo taken in summer of 2002 by Sam Lewit4 comments
Key123_F5370 viewsWestbound "F" exits Northbrae Tunnel at Hopkins & Sutter Sts., Berkeley in 1958. John Stashik Collection
nn_585318 viewsCaption of this photo says "On the through Havens", but I'm almost positive this is the trestle over Mountain Blvd in the village of Montclair. 1948 Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller17 comments
Key_7_Arlington_Ardmore5314 viewsKey System 7 car at end of track, Kensington, 1947. The motorman has not changed poles yet. The other end of the route ran up Euclid Ave. in Berkeley. John Stashik Collection4 comments
B_curve_w5308 viewsOld trackage as seen in May 2004 John Stashik Collection2 comments
cable35267 viewsThis location is at the east portal of the tunnel. If you go, while looking at where the tunnel portal was, you'll see a small hillside on the right. These were some mildly rusty guy wires attached to an eye bolt in the ground. If you look at the photo of29 comments
F_EuniceBr_MDO5257 viewsWestbound "F" at the Eunice Street bridge, Berkeley. Photo by Michael Ongerth. John Stashik Collection13 comments
w_FerryPt_Jan035193 viewsSanta Fe Railway at Ferry Point Richmond as it is today (Jan 2003). At one time the fleet of Santa Fe tugs and car barges shuttled between Ferry Point (Richmond) and: China Basin (SF); Pier 41 (SF); Alice Street (Oakland); Alameda and Tiburon. Co8 comments
5152 viewsNovember 2009: Molina looking north - debris cleared, replacement ties & power poles not too far away. 1 comments
snunk15119 viewsLocation unknown. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection12 comments
save00135103 viewsSpecial at B line Underhills station. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room13 comments
temescal5042 viewsTrain crossing Lake Temescal. This is an unusual shot because this area was later filled in and the trestle was no longer needed. If you go to Lake Temescal now, it is a little difficult to figure out exactly where this was (at least for me).14 comments
save00115035 views#938 on 3 line on Berkeley section of single track. Note zig zag track in background. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room7 comments
richmondunderpass5009 viewsCar #38 at new SP underpass for MacDonald Ave Richmond, 1907. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room1 comments
snunk25003 viewsLikely to be 40th and Shafter. Not positive. J.G. Graham Collection12 comments
ATSF3434989 viewsTrain 1, the SF Chief, was late so this relay train ran from Bakersfield to serve Valley passengers. Shown at Richmond, April 1962. Courtesy of John Stashik3 comments
426 files on 12 page(s) 2