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keysystemmap546492 viewsOld map of Key Route system. Key's Berkeley trains to Sacramento Street are still "proposed". Thanks to Stash for forwarding this one over. Click on image a 2nd time to display full size image.

F_tunnel_MDO223096 views"F" train for San Francisco exits Northbrae Tunnel, Berkeley, at Hopkins St. Photo by Michael Ongerth. John Stashik Collection

exKey_Argentina_3372_001112457 viewsex-Key System unit in Argentina. Note the trolley pole, split windows, covered coupler, jumper cables and no more route letter sign on front of unit. John Stashik Collection

Key121_Bancroft_Shattuck72894 viewsWestbound "F" train on Shattuck Ave. at Bancroft Way in downtown Berkeley. Unit 121; April 15, 1958. John Stashik Collection

My Grandpa Blatt's Police Vehicle Permit Allowing Access For Key System Transit Lines Emergencies...47993 views

Key96737164 viewsKey System 18 car turns from Lakeshore Av. onto Walla Vista in Oakland. Courtesy of John Stashik

35454 viewsMolina November 2009. Looking south at switch with replacement ties - power poles on their way - not long now until service resumes?

snwestportal30595 viewsSN west portal in Oakland Hills.

sp_elec22832 viewsOn the back cover of a 1932 SP Western Div Electric Lines employee timetable is this map showing SP's electric service in the East Bay updated to the year 1927. This was about as extensive as that service ever got for in 1933 there were some routes disco

concrete222734 viewsConcrete bunker 1909. As you can see there is lots of graffitti. There is also lots of old rusty cans. If you do go here and you're so inclined, bring a garbage bag and haul out a little bit of the trash.

40th_Shafter_Streets_Location_of_Yard_Looking_South20321 viewsThis is how 40th & Shafter looks today. The yard was on the left where the fence is, the tower was where the burned out building is on the right.

SP368_downtownBerk18689 viewsSP Shattuck Ave. train in downtown Berkeley. Service ran from the Oakland Pier to Thousand Oaks. Courtesy of John Stashik

Key_System_station17337 viewsKey System Piedmont Station. Clock tower and building to left still exist to this day. There is a Key System plaque now right about where that C train is. Thanks to Greg Weirich for permission to post. Photo by J C Weirich

Eastport after abandonment 195717127 viewsAmazing photo of SN at Eastport after abandonment in April 1957. This was the eastern side of the Oa

IER_alameda_bay12892 viewsIER Lincoln Ave. train at Bay Street, Alameda Courtesy of John Stashik

eastport100312036 viewsThe best shot I've ever seen of the east portal of the Oakland Hills tunnel. This is a Bay Area Electric Railroad Association excursion taken in January 1957. Perhaps the very last passenger train through this tunnel. Photo courtesy of Donald Duke from t

tunnelrd11877 viewsNot quite rail related, but still interesting. The old Oakland hills auto tunnel before the Caldecott's were built.

SNRRtrainRocksign9907 viewsSN 653 pulling cars at the Rockridge crossing. The sign is to the left of the train. 661 is waiting on a spur track. 1946-47 Courtesy of W.T. Larkins

Arroyo_before_after9860 viewsArroyo Ave, Oakland. Before & After. Inset: Key System 687 on the C-Piedmont line just east of Grand Ave (date unknown). The tracks running straight are for the 10-Piedmont Ave streetcar line. Now photo taken summer of 2002 by Sam Lewit

w_SN_montezuma_south9780 viewsMontezuma Slough looking southward (toward Chipps) showing what's left. Summer 2002. Courtesy of John Stashik

IERfruitvale9778 viewsA Dutton Ave. IER train at Fruitvale. Courtesy of John Stashik

sn10089704 viewsSN #1008 run #29 westbound entering subway on way to KS pier before bridge. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection

rrties18935 viewsEvidence of the railroad ties are barely visible in the ripples in the middle of the trail.

SN_Key_System_Underpass_under_SP_Oakland8824 viewsThis is a view of the Key System-SN underpass in Emeryville (Oakland) under the UP (SP) mainline. This view is looking West towards the Bay Bridge and the former Key System yard.

skylinetunnel8259 viewsHere is the current day shot of the location of the original tunnel from Alameda - Contra Costa counties. Taken 5/17/04. The sign says "No Trespassing. Violators Will be Prosecuted". Take a good look at this area including the plaque as it's hig

Woodland_Interlocking8215 viewsThis is the Woodland interlocking tower, where the SN's Woodland branch crossed over the SP. Photo from the SN Online website.

WPvs9878168 viewsWP train collision with Key streetcar in East Oakland. John Stashik Collection

skylinetunnelsign8156 viewsBasically not rail related, but here is a picture of the sign for the "high level" tunnel at the end of Tunnel Rd in Berkeley. Taken 5/17/04.

unk228150 viewsUnknown location. Rare(ish) color photo. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room

clinespecial7936 views#271 Special car at Oakland Ave end of C line. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room

eastporttunnel7800 viewsI've gotten a few people asking me what the east side tunnel portal looked like. This is a pretty good photo of it showing the tunnel portal and the substation which was located there. If you go to this spot now (Pinehurst just south of the hairpin turn),

save00147329 viewsRegular "G" car in hole. Special car 271 in front. Note large expanse of right-of-way for future use leading to Richmond. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room

snmarysville27278 viewsSN at Marysville depot. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection

keyanrptcvr19467012 viewsFront cover of 1946 Key System annual report.

sn2106954 viewsSN #210 in Chico yards. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection

Oakland_Av_before_after6919 viewsOakland Av C-Line. Before & After. Now photo taken summer of 2002 by Sam Lewit
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