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sp_elec22832 viewsOn the back cover of a 1932 SP Western Div Electric Lines employee timetable is this map showing SP's electric service in the East Bay updated to the year 1927. This was about as extensive as that service ever got for in 1933 there were some routes disco

SP368_downtownBerk18689 viewsSP Shattuck Ave. train in downtown Berkeley. Service ran from the Oakland Pier to Thousand Oaks. Courtesy of John Stashik

IER_alameda_bay12892 viewsIER Lincoln Ave. train at Bay Street, Alameda Courtesy of John Stashik

IERfruitvale9778 viewsA Dutton Ave. IER train at Fruitvale. Courtesy of John Stashik

IER_Alameda_19396008 viewsIER routes in Alameda, 1939 Courtesy of John Stashik

Butterfly Sheds5539 viewsSheds in new development a block south of the old SP station at 13th and Wood

3_G4392 viewsWall deatil above mens room door, main waiting area. Photo by Evan

westernarc7_17_44094 viewsWestern Architect Magazine July 1917 Platform and outline drawings of 16th St SP station.

23_G4000 viewsSecond shot. Old SP cars in WRM boneyard Photo by Evan

22_G3871 viewsFountain/Snack bar area, Main Waiting room. Photo by Evan

20_G3862 viewsOld SP heavy electrics at the WRM. I always thought the tree window models looked like some sort of spacecraft. Photo by Evan

sppano3576 viewsI took three of Evan's photos and crudely turned them into a panoramic of the front of the SP 16th Street station.[Sam] Photo by Evan

12_G3545 viewsClose up of stonework detail out front. Photo by Evan

21_G3399 viewsAnother interior shot of the Main waiting area. Photo by Evan

24_G3389 viewsUpper platform, looking south Photo by Evan

18_G3171 viewsLower main line platform looking south. Photo by Evan

Oakland_16th_Street3143 views16th Street Station as of 8/2/2003. Elevated structures are still in place, but the tracks have long since been removed.

westernarc7_17_23096 viewsWestern Architect Magazine July 1917 16th St. SP station.

17_G3064 viewsUpper Red Train platform looking north Photo by Evan

Interior013047 viewsOakland 16th St Station. SP herald on south wall. 10/21/04 Photo by Stash

carquinez2895 viewsSP Daylight 4-8-4 pulling freight on the familiar shoreline of the Carquinez Straits.

SPpass2824 viewsSouthern Pacific employee pass 1937-39 for Mrs. Clayton E. Ward. Courtesy of John Stashik

10_G2737 viewsLarger view of south wall. Mens room door on right, ladies on left. Platform is to right, parking lot to the left. Photo by Evan

16_G2706 viewsMain steam line lower platform, main waiting area on right. Photo by Evan

14_G2698 viewsSame platform showing end of same. Photo by Evan

westernarc7_17_32642 viewsWestern Architect Magazine July 1917 16th St. SP station waiting room.

15_G2616 viewsMain station from left angle Photo by Evan

New Life for SP platform overhangs2588 views

13_G2543 viewsSouth leg of upper platform from outside of fence Photo by Evan

4_G2456 viewsWall across (north side) from SP logo where system clock was. Photo by Evan

SP_Alameda_19352448 viewsSP electric service in Alameda, 1935 Courtesy of John Stashik

6_G2443 viewsPainting on south side wall, close up. Must be bolted to wall. otherwise it would be gone. Photo by Evan

trib8_25_68_12376 viewsOakland Tribune Aug 25th, 1968 Oakland's elevated railway Part 1 of 2

Coast31sf2360 viewsSP Coast Division timetable 31 effective May 5, 1901 San Francisco to San Jose Courtesy of John Stashik

5_G2347 viewsCeiling detail. Main waiting area. Lamps were hung from these. Like ancient Egypt, most of the original paint and undamaged details are on high up undersides. Photo by Evan

2_G2337 viewsSP Logo detail on wall. South side. Photo by Evan