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Broderick_looking_West1732 viewsThis is a view of Broderick, looking West. The track to the left is the mainline to Oakland. The track on the right is the Woodland Branch.

SNRRmotor4051732 viewsSN Motor 405, side view, at Oroville in 1946. Courtesy of W.T. Larkins

Subway_Undercrossing_D1725 viewsWest Pittsburg Subway.

Meinert_Facing_Walwood1710 viewsAnother view of the wye at Meinert, this time facing East towards Walwood. This used to be the Walwood Branch, which was abandoned in the 1920's.

DSCF00091697 viewsAnother view of the station location in Pittsburg. The station was located where the fenced area is. This view is looking East accross Railroad Ave. This is approximately the same location as the previous photo.

Garfield_Station_19401694 viewsThis is a view of the Garfield flagstop, as it appeared in 1940. Photo is from the Western Railway Museum website.

End_of_Track_near_Montezuma1681 viewsThis is the end of track at Montezuma.

sn109colusa1679 viewsSN 109 at Colusa Jct. 1937 J.G. Graham Collection

DSCF00061675 viewsAn opposite view of the same track, looking due West. On the other side of the hill, the track joins the UP (SP) mainline at Cannon. This track is now owned by the Western Railway Museum and is used to tranfer equipment to and from the museum.

snmarysville19381674 viewsSN Marysville, 1938 J.G. Graham Collection

North_Sacramento1658 viewsThis is a view of the North Sacramento flag stop. The semaphore signal was used by passengers to flag trains.

R_O_W_Montezuma_facing_Chips1638 viewsThis is a view of the r.o.w. at Montezuma, looking West towards Chips.

SN_Switchstand_for_Pittsburg_Wye1633 viewsThis is the third switchstand in West Pittsburg that is still standing. This is the West leg of the Wye, which led to the ferry slip at Mallard. Notice the tracks are still in place!

DSCF00011621 viewsThis embankment once led to the SN's trestle over the SP at Cannon. I was not able to tell if the tracks on the embankment were still intact. On the opposite side of the trestle are the remains of the Vacaville and Susuin Branches. This view is looking

snsacbridge1601 viewsSN in Sacramento. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection

DSCF00021596 viewsThis is the opposite side of the SN trestle at Cannon. The tracks lead to the Vacaville and Susuin Branches. This view is looking Southwest.

R_O_W_Montezuma_facing_Molena1595 viewsThis is a view of the r.o.w. at Montezuma, looking East towards Molena.

Spur_Clarksburg_facing_Northwest1539 viewsThese are the remains of the spur that led to the sugar factory at Clarksburg.

Spur_Clarksburg_facing_Southeast1522 viewsA view of the spur to the sugar factory at Clarksburg.

DSCF00041518 viewsThis is an opposite view of the previous photo, looking Northeast.

Clarksburg_Branch_facing_Oxford1474 viewsThis is the branchline to Oxford. The spur to the sugar factory at Clarksburg is on the left.



