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Most viewed - Sacramento Northern
SNtrain62343 viewsSN train 6, location and date unknown. Courtesy of John Stashik6 comments
canyonrow32332 viewsCould this be where the wigwag signal was? This base is located right at the foot of the fake RR crossing sign on the ROW behind the post office. Almost completely covered in vines. Photo Sam Lewit on 5/30/042 comments
Vacaville_Junction_Facing_South2326 viewsThis view is from Dozier (also known as Vacaville Junction), looking railroad West (South). This portion of the line is now owned by the Western Railway Museum.1 comments
pacrailnews3_4_72g2323 viewsWestbound train on a siding at Burton in Lafayette. Pacific Rail News March 4th 1972 from the collection at the Moraga History Center1 comments
SNRR604and6032316 viewsSN604 and 603 at Walnut Creek. 1946-47 Courtesy of W.T. Larkins
Molena_facing_Rio_Vista_Junction2290 viewsA view of the tracks at Molena, looking towards Garfield. These tracks are now owned by the Western Railway Museum.7 comments
pacrailnews3_4_72e2272 viewsDrifting westbound between Rockridge and Temescal. Pacific Rail News March 4th 1972 from the collection at the Moraga History Center
sndepot22254 viewsSN depot. Location unknown. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection9 comments
Subway_Undercrossing_B2254 viewsWest Pittsburg Subway.4 comments
vallevista222250 viewsUnknown location (looks like Valle Vista area). J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room
Trestle_Birds_Landing2245 viewsThis is a view of the restored trestle near Birds Landing (apx. halfway between Garfield and Molena) on the mainline. The trestle was restored by the Western Railway Museum in the hopes that they will eventually run their interuban trains here.3 comments
Sacramento_M_St_Bridge_19112238 viewsThe Oakland, Antioch, & Eastern originally entered Sacramento on this bridge, built in 1911. This bridge was known as the M St. Bridge and was replaced in 1935 with the current Tower Bridge.2 comments
Mainline_Birds_Landing_facing_Molena2218 viewsA view of the mainline at Birds Landing, looking West towards Molena.
stmarys22195 viewsSt Mary's College in Moraga. This is the ROW looking Southeast towards the school entrance road. This ROW was pretty rugged for being on the school grounds. We stopped initially to get the picture above with the inset. When we told the guard at the gateho2 comments
R_O_W_Reliez_Looking_West2193 viewsThis is a view of the r.o.w. at Reliez, looking West toward Burton.
sn1003tr32189 viewsSN 1003 on track 3 in Sacramento. Note Capitol dome in backround and Chevy truck & trailer. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection5 comments
canyonrow12186 viewsCanyon ROW about 1/2 mile north of post office. Photo Sam Lewit on 5/30/043 comments
pacrailnews3_4_72a2170 viewsWestbound #604 near Havens. Pacific Rail News March 4th 1972 from the collection at the Moraga History Center
Valle_Vista_curve_Combine_10172170 viewsCombine 1017 rounds Valle Vista curve, heading Westbound. Photographer unknown; Garth G. Groff collection
R_O_W_Canyon_Looking_East2168 viewsThis is a view of the former r.o.w. in Canyon, looking East towards Sequoia.1 comments
stmarys32155 viewsSt Mary's College in Moraga. General view of ROW. Judging from some photos of seen, I *think* the St Mary's station stop was right about in this area. Photo Sam Lewit on 5/30/041 comments
00_772149 viewsSt Marys College 6-8-41. One of the last passenger trains shown here. Local making the following stops: Sequoia, Canyon, Pinehurst, Valle Vista, Moraga, SMC, Burton, Glenside, West Lafayette, Lafayette. Photo from Joe McTique collection00-77
Mallard_Ferry_Slip2149 viewsA view of the Mallard ferry slip, as seen from the deck of the Ramon. Photo by Kenneth C. Jenkins; Garth G. Groff collection1 comments
SNRRfreightDiesel1432143 viewsDiesel 143 next to Port Chicago Highway north of Concord on April 3, 1964. Courtesy of W.T. Larkins3 comments
SNRR653inunderpass2130 viewsSN 653 at the underpass in West Pittsburg. Courtesy of W.T. Larkins
stmarys12129 viewsSt Mary's College in Moraga. This is the ROW looking Northwest. You can see St Marys road near Bolinger Canyon Rd in the distance. Photo Sam Lewit on 5/30/04
canyonrow42118 viewsThis is a very quiet and scenic part of the ROW through the Canyon area. This shot was taken not far from the end of following Pinehurst near the point where it crossed over Canyon Rd. Photo Sam Lewit on 5/30/041 comments
SNRRtracksnswitches2108 viewsSN tracks and switches, at Chico? 1946-47 Courtesy of W.T. Larkins18 comments
SNRR603nMallardpier2100 views603 at Mallard with pier in background. 1946-47 Courtesy of W.T. Larkins
sndepot2098 viewsSN depot at Pittsburg, CA (Railroad Ave). Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection1 comments
Subway_Undercrossing_19552096 viewsA 1955 view of the West Pittsburg Subway.
snferryload2087 viewsSN ferry slip. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection3 comments
SNRR410rightside2082 viewsSN410 at ?. I think this was Marysville. 1946-47 Courtesy of W.T. Larkins
ks622081 viewsK-S yards. #62 up on blocks ready to be put down and back on track. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection
Woodland_Wye_with_SN_6502079 viewsSN steeple cab 650 wyes in front of the Woodland Depot. The left leg of the wye was on Second Street, the right leg was the branchline back to Sacramento. The center leg entered the depot at an angle.1 comments
Bridge_Abutment_Clyde_0012075 viewsBridge Abutment @ Clyde.JPG2 comments
241 files on 7 page(s) 5