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35454 viewsMolina November 2009. Looking south at switch with replacement ties - power poles on their way - not long now until service resumes?

snwestportal30595 viewsSN west portal in Oakland Hills.

40th_Shafter_Streets_Location_of_Yard_Looking_South20321 viewsThis is how 40th & Shafter looks today. The yard was on the left where the fence is, the tower was where the burned out building is on the right.

Eastport after abandonment 195717127 viewsAmazing photo of SN at Eastport after abandonment in April 1957. This was the eastern side of the Oa

eastport100312036 viewsThe best shot I've ever seen of the east portal of the Oakland Hills tunnel. This is a Bay Area Electric Railroad Association excursion taken in January 1957. Perhaps the very last passenger train through this tunnel. Photo courtesy of Donald Duke from t

SNRRtrainRocksign9907 viewsSN 653 pulling cars at the Rockridge crossing. The sign is to the left of the train. 661 is waiting on a spur track. 1946-47 Courtesy of W.T. Larkins

w_SN_montezuma_south9780 viewsMontezuma Slough looking southward (toward Chipps) showing what's left. Summer 2002. Courtesy of John Stashik

sn10089704 viewsSN #1008 run #29 westbound entering subway on way to KS pier before bridge. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection

SN_Key_System_Underpass_under_SP_Oakland8824 viewsThis is a view of the Key System-SN underpass in Emeryville (Oakland) under the UP (SP) mainline. This view is looking West towards the Bay Bridge and the former Key System yard.

Woodland_Interlocking8215 viewsThis is the Woodland interlocking tower, where the SN's Woodland branch crossed over the SP. Photo from the SN Online website.

unk228150 viewsUnknown location. Rare(ish) color photo. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room

eastporttunnel7800 viewsI've gotten a few people asking me what the east side tunnel portal looked like. This is a pretty good photo of it showing the tunnel portal and the substation which was located there. If you go to this spot now (Pinehurst just south of the hairpin turn),

snmarysville27278 viewsSN at Marysville depot. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection

sn2106954 viewsSN #210 in Chico yards. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection

SNRR420unknownloc6868 viewsSN 420 at unknown location in 1946. Courtesy of W.T. Larkins

nn_616574 viewsGreat shot of train approaching the west portal of the Oakland Hills tunnel. 1948 Photo courtesy of William T. Larkins

Summit6534 viewsThis photo was taken near the West portal of the tunnel, at the summit, looking West.

sn6706163 viewsSN loco #670 ex TS favorite of motorman George Hademan taken at 40th and Shafter in Oakland. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection

sn4406093 viewsSN motor #440 used in SN OT transfer westbound at San Pablo Ave. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection

Sacramento_Union_Station_Front6034 viewsThis is Sacramento's Union Station. At one time, this station was served by THREE different railroad companies--Oakland, Antioch, & Eastern, Northern Electric, and Central California Traction.

Rockridge5687 viewsA Westbound interurban approaches the Rockridge grade crossing.

San_Francisco_Terminal_East_End5443 viewsThis is a view of the terminal facilities in San Francisco, looking West into the terminal. The SN arrived on Track 6, which was on the South side of the terminal. The train is preparing to depart out the West end of the terminal and back out onto the B

nn_805426 viewsOakland 40th and Shafter looking up Shafter Ave. 1948. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller

nn_585318 viewsCaption of this photo says "On the through Havens", but I'm almost positive this is the trestle over Mountain Blvd in the village of Montclair. 1948 Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller

cable35267 viewsThis location is at the east portal of the tunnel. If you go, while looking at where the tunnel portal was, you'll see a small hillside on the right. These were some mildly rusty guy wires attached to an eye bolt in the ground. If you look at the photo of

5152 viewsNovember 2009: Molina looking north - debris cleared, replacement ties & power poles not too far away.

snunk15119 viewsLocation unknown. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection

temescal5042 viewsTrain crossing Lake Temescal. This is an unusual shot because this area was later filled in and the trestle was no longer needed. If you go to Lake Temescal now, it is a little difficult to figure out exactly where this was (at least for me).

snunk25003 viewsLikely to be 40th and Shafter. Not positive. J.G. Graham Collection

SNRR404oaklandyard4784 viewsSN 404 at the Oakland Key(?)Yard. Courtesy of W.T. Larkins

41st_and_Shafter4775 views41st and Shafter today

2004_0313_172008AA4774 viewsWest Pittsburg Wye, viewed from near Mallard. The track to the left went to Pittsburg. The track to the right was the mainline to Port Chicago.

nn_674707 viewsIn and around Montclair ROW. Roger's 1948 Nash on the left. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller

Trestle_abutment_over_Mountain_Blvd_Montclair4698 viewsThese are the remains of the trestle over Mountain Blvd. in the Montclair District of Oakland.

SN_652_over_Mountain_Blvd_color_19564590 viewsThis is a color photo of SN 652 passing over Mountain Blvd. in the Montclair District of Oakland, shortly before abandonment (1956). It was posted on the Yahoo! SN group site and has been pasted here.

RRcaratChabot4567 viewsJune 1941 photo of the GSTHS car at Chabot. Courtesy of W.T. Larkins