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USGS4980 viewsThe FULL SIZE image is 1.2 megabytes. Dialups will have a wait.This is a fantastic re-make of the map that was originally put together by Steven R. Mix in 1999. The re-make was done by Lee Donehower in 2002 with the help of Steven Mix. Lee was extremely g2 commentsMay 09, 2009
Xsign_26th2925 viewsX marks the spot.1 commentsMay 09, 2009
5_7_492778 viewsOakland Tribune May 7th, 1949 Describing first transcontinental train into Oakland.3 commentsMay 09, 2009
WPvs9872608 viewsWP train collision with Key streetcar in East Oakland. John Stashik CollectionMay 09, 2009
tunnelrd11877 viewsNot quite rail related, but still interesting. The old Oakland hills auto tunnel before the Caldecott's were built.84 commentsMay 09, 2009
wheelwell5447 viewsThis is a view of what is being called the concrete bunker. According to the maps, this was the upper portion of a cable tram which traversed down to about the middle of where Hwy 13 is now. On the right side was a conveyor tram which went down to over Hw5 commentsMay 09, 2009
OTR2769 viewsOakland Terminal Railway power in February 2001. Courtesy of John Stashik7 commentsMay 09, 2009
skylinetunnelsign8156 viewsBasically not rail related, but here is a picture of the sign for the "high level" tunnel at the end of Tunnel Rd in Berkeley. Taken 5/17/04.1 commentsMay 09, 2009
trib9_19_432546 viewsOakland Tribune Sept 19th, 1943May 09, 2009
trib2_27_572155 viewsOakland Tribune Feb 27th, 1957 California RailwayMay 09, 2009
LSI_lead2852 viewsLong ago this was the Ninth Street Red Train route. Up until a few years ago this was the lead to LSI in Emeryville. Scene looking east from Powell St. These tracks still exist as of this date (12/7/02). LSI is now gone. Courtesy of John Stashik7 commentsMay 09, 2009
skylinetunnel8259 viewsHere is the current day shot of the location of the original tunnel from Alameda - Contra Costa counties. Taken 5/17/04. The sign says "No Trespassing. Violators Will be Prosecuted". Take a good look at this area including the plaque as it's hig15 commentsMay 09, 2009
rrties22519 viewsThere are a small handful of areas where you can barely see the wooden ties. This portion of the railroad is not dated on either the Lee Donehower or Steven Mix maps. But the other portions of railway lines were apparently built right around the turn of tMay 09, 2009
railrebar3075 viewsIn a few places it looked like some of the rail was used as concrete reinforcement. All the rail I found on my hike today was different guages. This one here was very small. I'd say about the same size as the rail used at the Tilden Steam trains!1 commentsMay 09, 2009
rrties18935 viewsEvidence of the railroad ties are barely visible in the ripples in the middle of the trail.2 commentsMay 09, 2009
pillowblock2915 viewsOn the bunker. This metal piece looks a lot like the base of a pillow block to me.May 09, 2009
oldrail3265 viewsThis was an old piece of rail I found off the side of the trail. I don't know my guages, but you can see the scale with my GPS (about the size of a cell phone) right next to it.2 commentsMay 09, 2009
LSI2840 viewsAt 65th St. in Emeryville, this is the look of the former Red Train route just a few years ago. The cars are spotted at the LSI plant. A hopper car is rare here, usually just corn syrup tanks. Although most of the tracks still exist as of this date (12/7/7 commentsMay 09, 2009
Hermosa2213 viewsUnited Railroads of SF "Hermosa". Date/location unknown. Courtesy of John Stashik2 commentsMay 09, 2009
concrete12706 viewsConcrete bunker 1909.May 09, 2009
26thSt_spanwire4496 viewsRemnants of the past in West Oakland.1 commentsMay 09, 2009
concrete222734 viewsConcrete bunker 1909. As you can see there is lots of graffitti. There is also lots of old rusty cans. If you do go here and you're so inclined, bring a garbage bag and haul out a little bit of the trash.28 commentsMay 09, 2009
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