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Mainline_Birds_Landing_facing_Rio_Vista_Junction2604 viewsA view of the Mainline at Birds Landing, looking East towards Garfield.May 09, 2009

DSCF00111941 viewsThis is a current view of the North Sixth Street crossing location in Concord. The BART tracks follow the SN r.o.w. through here. The BART tracks cross under Sixth Street. This photo can be compared to the previous photo, taken at the same location neaMay 09, 2009

End_of_Track_near_Montezuma1681 viewsThis is the end of track at Montezuma.May 09, 2009

DSCF00101966 viewsThis is a view of what the Concord Station and yard area look like today. The station was located where Port Chicago Highway is (the street curving away from the center of the intersection). The substation was where the BART tracks are now. The yard, fMay 09, 2009

ks622081 viewsK-S yards. #62 up on blocks ready to be put down and back on track. Date unknown. J.G. Graham CollectionMay 09, 2009

Havens_Station_19553199 viewsA view of Havens Station, near the west portal of the tunnel.May 09, 2009

Havens_19552493 viewsThis is another view of Havens, looking East towards the tunnel. The street on the right is Shepard Canyon Road (then called Park). The grade crossing in the background is Paso Robles.May 09, 2009

Garfield_Station_19401694 viewsThis is a view of the Garfield flagstop, as it appeared in 1940. Photo is from the Western Railway Museum website.May 09, 2009

Grade_Xing_near_Kilgore3493 viewsThis is a grade crossing near the BART test track (possibly San Miguel Road?). While I can not tell the exact location, it would appear to be somewhere near Kilgore, which is where the BART test track was. Photo is from the SN Yahoo! group.May 09, 2009

DSCF00091697 viewsAnother view of the station location in Pittsburg. The station was located where the fenced area is. This view is looking East accross Railroad Ave. This is approximately the same location as the previous photo.May 09, 2009

eastport100312036 viewsThe best shot I've ever seen of the east portal of the Oakland Hills tunnel. This is a Bay Area Electric Railroad Association excursion taken in January 1957. Perhaps the very last passenger train through this tunnel. Photo courtesy of Donald Duke from tMay 09, 2009

eastporttunnel7800 viewsI've gotten a few people asking me what the east side tunnel portal looked like. This is a pretty good photo of it showing the tunnel portal and the substation which was located there. If you go to this spot now (Pinehurst just south of the hairpin turn),May 09, 2009

DSCF00081803 viewsThis is a current photo of the station site in Pittsburg. The intersection in the photo is Railroad Ave. and Eighth Streets. The station was located where the fenced area is on the other side of the street. This view is looking Southeast from Eighth StMay 09, 2009

DSCF00061675 viewsAn opposite view of the same track, looking due West. On the other side of the hill, the track joins the UP (SP) mainline at Cannon. This track is now owned by the Western Railway Museum and is used to tranfer equipment to and from the museum.May 09, 2009

DSCF00052414 viewsThis is the track that was built to connect the formerly isolated Vacaville-Susuin Branch with the rest of the SN System. It was taken near Cannon and the entrance to Travis Air Force Base, looking due East. This track is now owned by the Western RailwaMay 09, 2009

DSCF00011621 viewsThis embankment once led to the SN's trestle over the SP at Cannon. I was not able to tell if the tracks on the embankment were still intact. On the opposite side of the trestle are the remains of the Vacaville and Susuin Branches. This view is lookingMay 09, 2009

DSCF00041518 viewsThis is an opposite view of the previous photo, looking Northeast.May 09, 2009

DSCF00021596 viewsThis is the opposite side of the SN trestle at Cannon. The tracks lead to the Vacaville and Susuin Branches. This view is looking Southwest.May 09, 2009

Clarksburg_Branch_facing_Oxford1474 viewsThis is the branchline to Oxford. The spur to the sugar factory at Clarksburg is on the left.May 09, 2009

Clarksburg_Branch_Babel_Slough_Road_facing_Sacramento3118 viewsA view of the Babel Slough Rd. grade crossing, facing towards Riverview.May 09, 2009

Clarksburg_Branch_Babel_Slough_Road_facing_Clarksburg2749 viewsA view of the Babel Slough Rd. grade crossing, facing towards Oxford.May 09, 2009

Clarksburg_Branch_facing_Sacramento2573 viewsA view of the Clarksburg Branch heading back to Riverview. These tracks were used by the Yolo Shortline, but were abandoned when Sierra Railway took ownership. These tracks may soon be removed.May 09, 2009

Bridge_Abutment_Clyde_0012075 viewsBridge Abutment @ Clyde.JPGMay 09, 2009

d282473 viewsThis is a photocopy of an image. This a great photo that shows the layout and location of the Havens station stop. Note the overgrown ROW in front of the station. You can also clearly see Shephard Canyon Rd on the right and Paso Robles as the train crosseMay 09, 2009

Clayton_Road_Xing2640 viewsThis is a view of the Clayton Road grade crossing, near the Concord depot. This photo was taken after abandonment of the Oakland to Walnut Creek portion. Photo is from the SN Yahoo! group.May 09, 2009

chipps1_w2497 viewsThe SN dock at Chipps Island as it appeared in Summer 2002. Courtesy of John StashikMay 09, 2009

canyonrow32332 viewsCould this be where the wigwag signal was? This base is located right at the foot of the fake RR crossing sign on the ROW behind the post office. Almost completely covered in vines. Photo Sam Lewit on 5/30/04May 09, 2009

Bridge_Abutment_Clyde1767 viewsThese are the remains of a small trestle near Clyde.May 09, 2009

canyonrow42118 viewsThis is a very quiet and scenic part of the ROW through the Canyon area. This shot was taken not far from the end of following Pinehurst near the point where it crossed over Canyon Rd. Photo Sam Lewit on 5/30/04May 09, 2009

Chico_Station_with_Birney_602612 viewsThis is a view of the Chico Depot, with Birney streetcar 60 in front. This is near the end of service. Photo by Kenneth C. Jenkins; Garth G. Groff collectionMay 09, 2009

2005_0501_190557AA1738 viewsThis is another view of the Las Juntas crossing location. The actual location is obscurred with development, although I believe it was near where the BART tracks presently are. There is even a short street named Las Juntas.May 09, 2009

canyonrow22389 viewsHere's a garden run by the Canyon school right on the ROW. This is behind the post office. Photo Sam Lewit on 5/30/04May 09, 2009

2005_0501_190057AA1992 viewsThis is a view of the SP Avon-Radum r.o.w. as it is today. This view is looking South, not far from where the SP and the SN crossed each other.May 09, 2009

canyonrow12186 viewsCanyon ROW about 1/2 mile north of post office. Photo Sam Lewit on 5/30/04May 09, 2009

cable35267 viewsThis location is at the east portal of the tunnel. If you go, while looking at where the tunnel portal was, you'll see a small hillside on the right. These were some mildly rusty guy wires attached to an eye bolt in the ground. If you look at the photo ofMay 09, 2009

cable23807 viewsAnother guy wire. This one had no rust on it whatsoever. This shot is on top of the little hillside looking right down at where the tracks would emerge from the tunnel. Photo Sam Lewit on 5/9/04May 09, 2009