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eastporttunnel7800 viewsI've gotten a few people asking me what the east side tunnel portal looked like. This is a pretty good photo of it showing the tunnel portal and the substation which was located there. If you go to this spot now (Pinehurst just south of the hairpin turn),01/15/07 at 04:46Joe: what does it look like now?

Summit6534 viewsThis photo was taken near the West portal of the tunnel, at the summit, looking West.11/26/06 at 20:36cmac: EspeeFan...this train is heading east approx 100m ...

Summit6534 viewsThis photo was taken near the West portal of the tunnel, at the summit, looking West.06/18/06 at 16:29EspeeFan: Approximately where is the West Portal of the Redw...

Summit6534 viewsThis photo was taken near the West portal of the tunnel, at the summit, looking West.03/18/05 at 03:18groundhog: after the tunnel was resealed and buried new homes...

snwestportal30596 viewsSN west portal in Oakland Hills.05/01/08 at 04:59Sam: And if you look at the plot of land just east of t...

snwestportal30596 viewsSN west portal in Oakland Hills.05/01/08 at 04:22John: Go to Google Maps and zoom all the way in on the s...

snwestportal30596 viewsSN west portal in Oakland Hills.03/30/08 at 01:17Dave: In March 1957 when the SN stopped coming into Oakl...

snwestportal30596 viewsSN west portal in Oakland Hills.03/29/08 at 22:14Sam: I had heard rumors that there was a metal inspecti...

snwestportal30596 viewsSN west portal in Oakland Hills.03/29/08 at 05:15: In the late 1960's I was there when a friend enter...

snwestportal30596 viewsSN west portal in Oakland Hills.03/29/08 at 01:45cuzzy: While I was a Oakland Police Officer in 1977 I was...

snwestportal30596 viewsSN west portal in Oakland Hills.03/23/06 at 02:27Jim: I grew up here and still live in this area. I can ...

snwestportal30596 viewsSN west portal in Oakland Hills.01/17/04 at 01:26Sam Lewit: Yes it is Saroni. In fact the road is practically ...

snwestportal30596 viewsSN west portal in Oakland Hills.11/14/04 at 22:15Evan.: Being from Piedmont its odd I did not know about T...

snwestportal30596 viewsSN west portal in Oakland Hills.01/17/04 at 00:28Guest: Over the last couple of years (2001-2002) this por...

snwestportal30596 viewsSN west portal in Oakland Hills.04/11/04 at 21:47Guest: Thank you for this rare photo opportunity. I have ...

nn_616574 viewsGreat shot of train approaching the west portal of the Oakland Hills tunnel. 1948 Photo courtesy of William T. Larkins11/26/06 at 20:28cmac: IT IS west portal mid way between the tunnel and t...

nn_616574 viewsGreat shot of train approaching the west portal of the Oakland Hills tunnel. 1948 Photo courtesy of William T. Larkins10/13/06 at 18:29Evan: Its the east end. Pics. nn61 and nn68 were consecu...

nn_616574 viewsGreat shot of train approaching the west portal of the Oakland Hills tunnel. 1948 Photo courtesy of William T. Larkins08/03/06 at 21:51Harry: OK, I'm convinced that this is in fact the WEST po...

nn_616574 viewsGreat shot of train approaching the west portal of the Oakland Hills tunnel. 1948 Photo courtesy of William T. Larkins07/11/06 at 06:15Harry: This looks to me more like the East Portal, consid...

nn_683587 viewsPhoto caption says Temescal cut, but I'm not so sure that's right. I can't picture where this is. 1948. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller10/14/06 at 02:28Sam: Yeah this is definitely the WEST side. The east si...

nn_683587 viewsPhoto caption says Temescal cut, but I'm not so sure that's right. I can't picture where this is. 1948. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller05/09/06 at 05:44jbrad1974: Jim: This most definitely is the WEST portal of th...

nn_683587 viewsPhoto caption says Temescal cut, but I'm not so sure that's right. I can't picture where this is. 1948. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller05/09/06 at 01:45Jim: I disagree. The tracks coming out of the west end ...

nn_683587 viewsPhoto caption says Temescal cut, but I'm not so sure that's right. I can't picture where this is. 1948. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller06/09/04 at 04:22Don MacLeod: This is definitely coming out of the tunnel into S...

nn_683587 viewsPhoto caption says Temescal cut, but I'm not so sure that's right. I can't picture where this is. 1948. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller12/20/04 at 19:09Jon: That is 'Melin Cut' between Montclair and Havens S...

nn_683587 viewsPhoto caption says Temescal cut, but I'm not so sure that's right. I can't picture where this is. 1948. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller01/26/05 at 06:39sndave1954: At first I thought this was the eastern end of the...

nn_683587 viewsPhoto caption says Temescal cut, but I'm not so sure that's right. I can't picture where this is. 1948. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller06/08/04 at 07:12Guest: If you look carefully, the train is exiting the We...

Havens_19552493 viewsThis is another view of Havens, looking East towards the tunnel. The street on the right is Shepard Canyon Road (then called Park). The grade crossing in the background is Paso Robles.12/18/06 at 20:21SN nut: For those who might be curious about this photo ta...

Havens_Station_19553199 viewsA view of Havens Station, near the west portal of the tunnel.03/22/05 at 04:08""Key Route Ken"": Photo courtesy of Key Route Ken Archives.. This is...

pacrailnews3_4_72h2914 viewsA train heading eastbound through Shepherd Canyon near Havens and the tunnel. Pacific Rail News issue dated March 4th 1972 from the collection at the Moraga History Center06/08/04 at 07:24Guest: The date is wrong. It can not be 1972, as the trac...

pacrailnews3_4_72h2914 viewsA train heading eastbound through Shepherd Canyon near Havens and the tunnel. Pacific Rail News issue dated March 4th 1972 from the collection at the Moraga History Center06/08/04 at 15:25Guest: I knew that was going to be a problem. I fixed it....

nn_572366 viewsSheperd Canyon. 1948. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller07/04/04 at 08:41Key Route Ken: I do not believe this is in Shepherd Canyon. First...

Trestle_abutment_over_Mountain_Blvd_Montclair4699 viewsThese are the remains of the trestle over Mountain Blvd. in the Montclair District of Oakland.06/02/08 at 22:30Haunt: Considerably similar to S.N. abuttments in Yolo Co...

SN_652_over_Mountain_Blvd_color_19564590 viewsThis is a color photo of SN 652 passing over Mountain Blvd. in the Montclair District of Oakland, shortly before abandonment (1956). It was posted on the Yahoo! SN group site and has been pasted here.10/11/04 at 21:13John Raines: The ironwork is gone, but the concrete abutments c...

nn_585318 viewsCaption of this photo says "On the through Havens", but I'm almost positive this is the trestle over Mountain Blvd in the village of Montclair. 1948 Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller06/10/04 at 02:15Guest: They *do* look alike, but from what I could tell, ...

nn_585318 viewsCaption of this photo says "On the through Havens", but I'm almost positive this is the trestle over Mountain Blvd in the village of Montclair. 1948 Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller06/29/04 at 03:46Guest: I was under the impression that the area past the ...

nn_585318 viewsCaption of this photo says "On the through Havens", but I'm almost positive this is the trestle over Mountain Blvd in the village of Montclair. 1948 Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller12/20/04 at 19:27Jon: Theres a photograph on the second floor of the bui...
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