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MP_52_Sign_Molena_facing_Montezuma2557 viewsI'm not sure if this is original or not, but this is the marker for Milepost 52 near Molena.10 comments07/10/05 at 00:51Robert Bloomfield: This is the only siding still intact for a couple ...
Molena_facing_Montezuma2522 viewsA view of the tracks at Molena, looking towards Montezuma (Dutton).4 comments06/02/08 at 18:00Haunt: a.d.2008 The missing rails on the right most track...
Molena_facing_Montezuma2522 viewsA view of the tracks at Molena, looking towards Montezuma (Dutton).4 comments07/10/05 at 00:49Robert Bloomfield: These traks at Molena are owned by the Western Rai...
snferryload2087 viewsSN ferry slip. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection3 comments04/27/07 at 03:20T. Parkinson: This looks Like the ferry slip at Chipps Is. becau...
snferryload2087 viewsSN ferry slip. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection3 comments03/11/05 at 05:23Guest: This is the ferry slip at Chipps, after crossing t...
nn_273319 viewsGreat (aerial?) photo of ferry Ramon at the landing in the straits. 1948. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller8 comments04/27/07 at 03:11T parkinson: You can go to Google Earth and and see all of what...
nn_273319 viewsGreat (aerial?) photo of ferry Ramon at the landing in the straits. 1948. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller8 comments06/08/04 at 07:18Guest: This is the Mallard ferry slip. The Columbia Steel...
sndepot2098 viewsSN depot at Pittsburg, CA (Railroad Ave). Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection1 comments06/02/08 at 17:40Haunt: This observation car appears to be Salt Lake & Uta...
2004_0313_172548AA1971 viewsThis is where the tracks end, near Mallard. I am assuming this is where the trestle to the ferry slip began. The ferry slip burned in 1954. There is now a shipping channel behind the fence which, from the photos I've seen, did not exist during the time2 comments04/24/05 at 01:39david w: I walked this in about 1980, and the water is (I t...
Mallard_ferry_landing_approach_track_Looking_Northeast3391 viewsThis is the approach track to the ferry slip at Mallard. Because the ferry slip burned, the tracks do not continue much further than this point.7 comments06/02/08 at 17:32Haunt: Difficult to follow but track can be followed by o...
2004_0313_171435AA1900 viewsSwitchstand for West Pittsburg Wye.1 comments06/02/08 at 17:28Haunt: Note lower left of photo two rails. My understandi...
R_O_W_West_Pittsburg_Baypoint_Looking_West2555 viewsThis is a view of the r.o.w. in West Pittsburg, looking West. Notice the track is still in place!3 comments03/11/05 at 05:16Guest: Wrong direction. This is looking East toward Pitts...
Subway_Undercrossing_C1774 viewsWest Pittsburg Subway.1 comments03/11/05 at 05:14Guest: This is a view of the tracks exiting the West Pitt...
Subway_Undercrossing_B2254 viewsWest Pittsburg Subway.4 comments03/29/08 at 02:03cuzzy: i walked (1980)the ROW under neath the bridge. All...
Subway_Undercrossing_B2254 viewsWest Pittsburg Subway.4 comments12/19/07 at 15:22Shannon: And in the winter time its Sacramento Northern lak...
2004_0313_164405AA1946 viewsWest Pittsburg Subway.1 comments05/30/08 at 01:43Haunt: Dejavu! find very similar images in the book Sacra...
2004_0313_164335AA2004 viewsSame location as the previous photo, but on a much clearer day! If you look carefully, you can see the rails in the bottom of the cut.2 comments07/21/08 at 19:55John Snyder: This was the site of almost-daily hair-raising adv...
Subway_Undercrossing_G2001 viewsWest Pittsburg Subway.1 comments03/11/05 at 05:08Guest: This is actually not a view of the subway, but rat...
Subway_Undercrossing_Approach_Track_McAvoy_Road3448 viewsThis is the approach track to the West Pittsburg Subway. The photo was taken from MacAvoy Road. Note the newly installed concrete crossing.2 comments06/02/08 at 17:12Haunt: This is the former mainline at milepost 42.2 McAvo...
SNRRcaboose16362072 viewsCaboose 1636 on a train alongside Port Chicago Highway 4-3-64. Courtesy of W.T. Larkins2 comments07/21/08 at 19:51John Snyder: I spent the summer of 1965 living in that car when...
Bridge_Abutment_Clyde_0012075 viewsBridge Abutment @ Clyde.JPG2 comments05/30/08 at 01:26Haunt: I see a photographer has been to the same location...
Bridge_Abutment_Clyde_0012075 viewsBridge Abutment @ Clyde.JPG2 comments06/25/04 at 19:58Guest: I remember when the tracks were here. It was in th...
Sacramento_Northern_Ohmer_Flagstop_0162996 viewsThis is the Ohmer flagstop, located near the present North Concord BART station. This point is roughly half-way between Concord and Clyde.17 comments05/30/08 at 01:23Haunt: Now known as North Concord/Martinez Bart Sta.
Clayton_Road_Xing2640 viewsThis is a view of the Clayton Road grade crossing, near the Concord depot. This photo was taken after abandonment of the Oakland to Walnut Creek portion. Photo is from the SN Yahoo! group.7 comments05/30/08 at 01:16Haunt: Guest is correct. The S.N. depot facility was wher...
Clayton_Road_Xing2640 viewsThis is a view of the Clayton Road grade crossing, near the Concord depot. This photo was taken after abandonment of the Oakland to Walnut Creek portion. Photo is from the SN Yahoo! group.7 comments05/25/05 at 05:30dave: Trains ran directly behind what is present day BMW...
Clayton_Road_Xing2640 viewsThis is a view of the Clayton Road grade crossing, near the Concord depot. This photo was taken after abandonment of the Oakland to Walnut Creek portion. Photo is from the SN Yahoo! group.7 comments05/26/05 at 04:35Guest: The r.o.w. you are speaking of is the former SP Av...
Grade_Xing_near_Kilgore3493 viewsThis is a grade crossing near the BART test track (possibly San Miguel Road?). While I can not tell the exact location, it would appear to be somewhere near Kilgore, which is where the BART test track was. Photo is from the SN Yahoo! group.6 comments07/21/07 at 02:00craigw100: My guess is this is in Concord looking south at Cl...
Meinert2659 viewsThis is a view of the wye at Meinert, near Concord. The train is crossing Meinert Road. The wye used to lead to the Walwood Branch, which was abandoned in the 1920's.24 comments05/30/08 at 01:03Haunt: This was an excursion of the Bay Area Electric Rai...
Meinert_Junction_for_Walwood_Branch4446 viewsThis junction is at Meinert, about halfway between Concord and Walnut Creek. The track leading to the left is the remains of the Walwood Branch, long abandoned by the time this picture was taken. Photo from the SN Online website.24 comments03/29/08 at 05:38: Not sure exactly where this location is but when I...
2005_0501_190557AA1739 viewsThis is another view of the Las Juntas crossing location. The actual location is obscurred with development, although I believe it was near where the BART tracks presently are. There is even a short street named Las Juntas.11 comments05/30/08 at 00:57Haunt: Photographer is standing on S.P. R-O-W view is S/S...
SNRR604walnutcreek2344 viewsSN 604 at Walnut Creek. 1946-47 Courtesy of W.T. Larkins1 comments05/23/05 at 19:13DNC: Would this be the Walnut processing plant in the b...
sntunnel2453 viewsSN tunnel and line cars stored at siding in Lafayette. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection4 comments10/22/07 at 11:01Milla: muito bom...
sntunnel2453 viewsSN tunnel and line cars stored at siding in Lafayette. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection4 comments10/17/07 at 09:12milla: muitoo bom
sntunnel2453 viewsSN tunnel and line cars stored at siding in Lafayette. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection4 comments10/24/05 at 19:52Paul Kalff: I think this is down toward St. Mary's near to the...
sntunnel2453 viewsSN tunnel and line cars stored at siding in Lafayette. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection4 comments02/19/05 at 05:48Guest: I was at the Western Railway Museum a few weeks ag...
sn2431 viewsSN wigwag near Lafayette, CA. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection2 comments01/13/09 at 15:32Sam: Wow yeah that definitely looks like the spot. You ...
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