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Arroyo_before_after9860 viewsArroyo Ave, Oakland. Before & After. Inset: Key System 687 on the C-Piedmont line just east of Grand Ave (date unknown). The tracks running straight are for the 10-Piedmont Ave streetcar line. Now photo taken summer of 2002 by Sam Lewit89 comments08/18/11 at 13:56Guest_Richard: This photo could have been taken from the home my ...
exKey_Argentina_3372_001112457 viewsex-Key System unit in Argentina. Note the trolley pole, split windows, covered coupler, jumper cables and no more route letter sign on front of unit. John Stashik Collection233 comments07/27/11 at 02:42Guest_Claudio: On the left upper small window there is the route,...
Arroyo_before_after9860 viewsArroyo Ave, Oakland. Before & After. Inset: Key System 687 on the C-Piedmont line just east of Grand Ave (date unknown). The tracks running straight are for the 10-Piedmont Ave streetcar line. Now photo taken summer of 2002 by Sam Lewit89 comments06/29/11 at 17:45Guest_E.E.S.: I lived in Piedmont for years. I knew little of th...
2005_0501_190057AA1992 viewsThis is a view of the SP Avon-Radum r.o.w. as it is today. This view is looking South, not far from where the SP and the SN crossed each other.2 comments04/24/11 at 04:27Guest_Richard Magoffin: I walked the tracks here as a teenager. I remember...
Meinert_Junction_for_Walwood_Branch4446 viewsThis junction is at Meinert, about halfway between Concord and Walnut Creek. The track leading to the left is the remains of the Walwood Branch, long abandoned by the time this picture was taken. Photo from the SN Online website.24 comments04/24/11 at 03:55Guest_Richard Magoffin: Our family friends had a ranch at the corner of Ba...
SN_Key_System_Underpass_under_SP_Oakland8824 viewsThis is a view of the Key System-SN underpass in Emeryville (Oakland) under the UP (SP) mainline. This view is looking West towards the Bay Bridge and the former Key System yard.30 comments04/12/11 at 20:49Guest_Lawrence: question: did a passenger line run through this tu...
nn_674707 viewsIn and around Montclair ROW. Roger's 1948 Nash on the left. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller18 comments04/08/11 at 01:50Guest_Stuart Swiedler: This image is a north view of the grade crossing a...
RRcaratChabot4568 viewsJune 1941 photo of the GSTHS car at Chabot. Courtesy of W.T. Larkins9 comments03/18/11 at 22:12Guest_Don F.Holmgren: I think the combination car in the photo came from...
snunk52843 viewsBurton station. Located between Lafayette and St. Mary's. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection3 comments03/18/11 at 10:10Guest_Titslinger: This is out along St Mary's Road somewhere be...
westernarc7_17_12048 viewsWestern Architect Magazine July 1917 16th St. SP station.1 comments03/18/11 at 08:25Guest_Titslinger: Looks like a real city train station. Too bad it w...
Caboose at Union & 7th Street Oakland2024 viewsThe Crucible4 comments03/18/11 at 08:23Guest_Titslinger: Meh... The Crucible is way expensive and over-rate...
carquinez2895 viewsSP Daylight 4-8-4 pulling freight on the familiar shoreline of the Carquinez Straits.2 comments03/18/11 at 08:06Guest_Titslinger: What year was this taken?
6_G2443 viewsPainting on south side wall, close up. Must be bolted to wall. otherwise it would be gone. Photo by Evan4 comments03/18/11 at 07:54Guest_Titslinger: Thank you idiots. :-x
6_G2443 viewsPainting on south side wall, close up. Must be bolted to wall. otherwise it would be gone. Photo by Evan4 comments02/13/11 at 23:56Guest_Anon: :cry:
Eastport after abandonment 195717127 viewsAmazing photo of SN at Eastport after abandonment in April 1957. This was the eastern side of the Oa36 comments01/30/11 at 03:40Guest_mike: it's amazing how fast almost all traces of the...
Key96737164 viewsKey System 18 car turns from Lakeshore Av. onto Walla Vista in Oakland. Courtesy of John Stashik117 comments12/11/10 at 18:17Guest_Stephen K.: Can someone tell me which Key System line this is?
Key_System_station17337 viewsKey System Piedmont Station. Clock tower and building to left still exist to this day. There is a Key System plaque now right about where that C train is. Thanks to Greg Weirich for permission to post. Photo by J C Weirich89 comments11/18/10 at 22:00Guest_laura: o, i wish there were more pics of this from differ...
portablesub3310 viewsSN portable sub-station near Marysville. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection4 comments11/12/10 at 00:14Guest_Anon: Definitely not the car at WRM... very different, a...
Garfield_Flag_Stop1807 viewsA view of the Garfield flag stop.1 comments11/12/10 at 00:09Guest_Anon: You're looking north. Turn around and look so...
cable14269 viewsYet another cable. We decided to go down here with a metal detector trying to find any trace of the past. We actually climbed the hillside where the portal was almost to the top. It was quite difficult, but no trace of anything but bottles and cans. Metal9 comments11/11/10 at 23:51Guest_Anon: Definitely SN style. Note how the loop was tied o...
cable23807 viewsAnother guy wire. This one had no rust on it whatsoever. This shot is on top of the little hillside looking right down at where the tracks would emerge from the tunnel. Photo Sam Lewit on 5/9/046 comments11/11/10 at 23:39Guest_Anon: SN gave WRM a whole boxcar load of cut off wire en...
Key175_F4228 views"F" train at Solano & The Alameda, Berkeley, September 1956. John Stashik Collection6 comments11/05/10 at 02:13Guest_Bill: This is an incredible look back in time. Do you s...
wheelwell5447 viewsThis is a view of what is being called the concrete bunker. According to the maps, this was the upper portion of a cable tram which traversed down to about the middle of where Hwy 13 is now. On the right side was a conveyor tram which went down to over Hw5 comments10/07/10 at 02:50Guest_Anon: Very easy to find. Check out the large Laundry Far...
wheelwell5447 viewsThis is a view of what is being called the concrete bunker. According to the maps, this was the upper portion of a cable tram which traversed down to about the middle of where Hwy 13 is now. On the right side was a conveyor tram which went down to over Hw5 comments10/07/10 at 02:39Guest_Anon: Where was this taken, Sam? -rob rcwiles at yaho...
Caboose at Union & 7th Street Oakland2024 viewsThe Crucible4 comments09/25/10 at 02:26Guest_Haunt: Last couple of times I`ve passed here, the caboose...
snunk42074 viewsLocation unknown. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection3 comments09/25/10 at 02:16Guest_Haunt: The multiple signal mast was a give away. The only...
F_tunnel_MDO223096 views"F" train for San Francisco exits Northbrae Tunnel, Berkeley, at Hopkins St. Photo by Michael Ongerth. John Stashik Collection284 comments09/04/10 at 17:36Guest_T.O. grad: I went to Thousand Oaks Elementary, just a few blo...
Demolition of 40th & Shafter Yards3127 viewsSacramento Northern's 40th & Shafter yard in Oakland, Califr being torn down, 1957. View faces 40th & Opal Streets. John Harder photo. Thanks to Key Route Ken for sending me this great shot19 comments06/18/10 at 18:43Guest_Harry: What it is build on today!! Houses?? Why, was it t...
USGS4980 viewsThe FULL SIZE image is 1.2 megabytes. Dialups will have a wait.This is a fantastic re-make of the map that was originally put together by Steven R. Mix in 1999. The re-make was done by Lee Donehower in 2002 with the help of Steven Mix. Lee was extremely g2 comments03/25/10 at 05:37Guest_Richard G Perry: There was a small car barn on Leona St. at the end...
RRcaratChabot4568 viewsJune 1941 photo of the GSTHS car at Chabot. Courtesy of W.T. Larkins9 comments03/18/10 at 23:10Guest_Bill Larkins: I am the one standing on the right. That is Ralph ...
keysystemmap546492 viewsOld map of Key Route system. Key's Berkeley trains to Sacramento Street are still "proposed". Thanks to Stash for forwarding this one over. Click on image a 2nd time to display full size image.360 comments03/11/10 at 01:35Guest_Anon: Um, re copyright: 1. 94 years old = Public Domain....
Rockridge5687 viewsA Westbound interurban approaches the Rockridge grade crossing.18 comments02/27/10 at 05:41Guest_Anon: :lol: what a beautiful sight! will they ever come ...
Arroyo_before_after9860 viewsArroyo Ave, Oakland. Before & After. Inset: Key System 687 on the C-Piedmont line just east of Grand Ave (date unknown). The tracks running straight are for the 10-Piedmont Ave streetcar line. Now photo taken summer of 2002 by Sam Lewit89 comments02/23/10 at 03:31Guest_Jim Frame: I grew up in Piedmont on Cambridge Way, a couple o...
Key1873467 viewsKey System "C" train lays over the Oakland Ave. and Latham Sts. in Piedmont, the end of the line. Courtesy of John Stashik1 comments01/31/10 at 22:44Guest_Marvin Cohen: great scene to model
stmarys43608 viewsEntrance to St Mary's College in Moraga with a small inset of same exact view when SN trains ran through. There is no trace of the ROW on or near this road. If you go off just a bit to the left, the ROW begins in kind of a weird jungle like atmosphere. Se8 comments01/21/10 at 01:12Guest_chris price: you are correct Haunt, the train is headed east to...
nn_33987 viewsLeaving Moraga. Heading west. 1948. There is a mix-up on who took this photo. I'm working on resolving it, but at this point it looks like it's either Roger K. Heller or William T. Larkins.19 comments01/21/10 at 00:42Guest_chris price: the train is moving west along what is now the end...
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