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Key_7_Arlington_Ardmore5314 viewsKey System 7 car at end of track, Kensington, 1947. The motorman has not changed poles yet. The other end of the route ran up Euclid Ave. in Berkeley. John Stashik Collection4 comments11/13/05 at 23:59Tom: The plaque is actually located behind the remainin...
Key175_A3765 viewsJuly 1956 at 12th & Oak Sts., in Oakland, terminal for the "A" line. Alameda County Courthouse in background. John Stashik Collection1 comments07/24/07 at 06:22David DeLamater: I drove fro ac from 1970-83 and had the chance to ...
Key152_E4276 viewsDomingo Ave. bound "E" train on 55th at Vicente St., Oakland in Sept. 1956. Telegraph Ave. is the intersection in the background. John Stashik Collection4 comments01/22/09 at 01:44: My grandmother's house was on the opposite side of...
Key121_Bancroft_Shattuck72894 viewsWestbound "F" train on Shattuck Ave. at Bancroft Way in downtown Berkeley. Unit 121; April 15, 1958. John Stashik Collection6 comments06/30/05 at 15:15Graham Cullin: This photo would have been taken four days before ...
Key121_Bancroft_Shattuck72894 viewsWestbound "F" train on Shattuck Ave. at Bancroft Way in downtown Berkeley. Unit 121; April 15, 1958. John Stashik Collection6 comments04/25/05 at 22:35Yuri Brazil: Miss you Shattuck. Miss you Berkeley!
Key175_F4228 views"F" train at Solano & The Alameda, Berkeley, September 1956. John Stashik Collection6 comments03/26/05 at 17:17Pete: Is it true that it is from Pete
exKey_Argentina_3372_001112457 viewsex-Key System unit in Argentina. Note the trolley pole, split windows, covered coupler, jumper cables and no more route letter sign on front of unit. John Stashik Collection233 comments11/14/05 at 00:01Tom: I presume that the unit's have now been replaced b...
WPvs9878168 viewsWP train collision with Key streetcar in East Oakland. John Stashik Collection12 comments09/15/05 at 22:40Old time rail fan: On May 12,1930, car 987 was broadsided by the W.P....
F_EuniceBr_MDO5257 viewsWestbound "F" at the Eunice Street bridge, Berkeley. Photo by Michael Ongerth. John Stashik Collection13 comments10/12/04 at 02:25Guest: My name is Joe Kelly. I grew up on Mendocino ave, ...
F_tunnel_MDO223096 views"F" train for San Francisco exits Northbrae Tunnel, Berkeley, at Hopkins St. Photo by Michael Ongerth. John Stashik Collection284 comments01/06/08 at 09:56Bob: I remember when the tunnel was boarded up, and Sol...
F_tunnel_MDO223096 views"F" train for San Francisco exits Northbrae Tunnel, Berkeley, at Hopkins St. Photo by Michael Ongerth. John Stashik Collection284 comments12/31/07 at 02:48TEKasinger: Shoot, I don't, but I [have to]believe someone 'ou...
F_tunnel_MDO223096 views"F" train for San Francisco exits Northbrae Tunnel, Berkeley, at Hopkins St. Photo by Michael Ongerth. John Stashik Collection284 comments12/31/07 at 01:10HARRY: Do you have any info. on the time the outbound F e...
F_tunnel_MDO223096 views"F" train for San Francisco exits Northbrae Tunnel, Berkeley, at Hopkins St. Photo by Michael Ongerth. John Stashik Collection284 comments01/05/05 at 07:53Guest: yea I drove bus for ac transit 1970-1983 and the F...
F_tunnel_MDO223096 views"F" train for San Francisco exits Northbrae Tunnel, Berkeley, at Hopkins St. Photo by Michael Ongerth. John Stashik Collection284 comments06/27/05 at 04:59Guest: I found a token the other day and was reminded tha...
F_tunnel_MDO223096 views"F" train for San Francisco exits Northbrae Tunnel, Berkeley, at Hopkins St. Photo by Michael Ongerth. John Stashik Collection284 comments11/14/05 at 00:05Guest: I have two of the tokens, they're taped to one of ...
F_tunnel_MDO223096 views"F" train for San Francisco exits Northbrae Tunnel, Berkeley, at Hopkins St. Photo by Michael Ongerth. John Stashik Collection284 comments03/12/07 at 07:26Philip Nathanson: The C line ran right behind my house on Ricardo Av...
clinespecial7936 views#271 Special car at Oakland Ave end of C line. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room46 comments08/02/05 at 19:00Devi Speer: There was a pay phone in the station. When thumped...
clinespecial7936 views#271 Special car at Oakland Ave end of C line. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room46 comments11/14/05 at 00:08Guest: An uncle operated #271 when it ran on the Leona He...
save00104942 viewsKS Special using SN 1005 up on B line at Underhills J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room30 comments07/22/06 at 14:07Harry Marnell: This would be between Underhills & Trestle Glen, a...
save00104942 viewsKS Special using SN 1005 up on B line at Underhills J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room30 comments10/10/05 at 20:23Phil B: Was this at Underhills Road in Oakland?
save00115035 views#938 on 3 line on Berkeley section of single track. Note zig zag track in background. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room7 comments01/04/05 at 21:17Stash: One would presume the kink in the track is where d...
save00115035 views#938 on 3 line on Berkeley section of single track. Note zig zag track in background. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room7 comments03/15/05 at 17:50Carlos: Since this is fill which replaced a trestle bridge...
save00115035 views#938 on 3 line on Berkeley section of single track. Note zig zag track in background. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room7 comments08/28/05 at 21:55Norm: Would anyone know when the trestle was replaced wi...
save00135103 viewsSpecial at B line Underhills station. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room13 comments02/21/06 at 17:17atraveler: I remember this station well as well as the simila...
save00147329 viewsRegular "G" car in hole. Special car 271 in front. Note large expanse of right-of-way for future use leading to Richmond. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room22 comments06/09/06 at 04:27Mark: This intersection is now Santa Fe and Key Route Bl...
save00147329 viewsRegular "G" car in hole. Special car 271 in front. Note large expanse of right-of-way for future use leading to Richmond. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room22 comments11/05/07 at 23:17banchero: This brings back memories. As a very young child (...
save00147329 viewsRegular "G" car in hole. Special car 271 in front. Note large expanse of right-of-way for future use leading to Richmond. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room22 comments04/08/06 at 07:593er: What intersection is this?
save00147329 viewsRegular "G" car in hole. Special car 271 in front. Note large expanse of right-of-way for future use leading to Richmond. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room22 comments01/04/05 at 03:12Dan Levy: Is BART here now?
save00147329 viewsRegular "G" car in hole. Special car 271 in front. Note large expanse of right-of-way for future use leading to Richmond. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room22 comments08/25/05 at 21:48Old time rail fan.: 1914 realestate p.r. booklet shows this right of w...
save00147329 viewsRegular "G" car in hole. Special car 271 in front. Note large expanse of right-of-way for future use leading to Richmond. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room22 comments03/21/05 at 05:09Carlos: The BART elevated tracks are just to the west (lef...
stepdetail4496 views# 575 on the F line stored between runs at tower #2. Platform detail. Note valve next to ventilator, IFA signal is run by an arm drops and trips this valve throwing train into emergency. Has to be manually reset. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oa3 comments01/04/05 at 06:07Stash: Those tripper arms, when installed on the new arti...
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