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nn_585318 viewsCaption of this photo says "On the through Havens", but I'm almost positive this is the trestle over Mountain Blvd in the village of Montclair. 1948 Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller17 comments06/09/04 at 04:30Guest: Or how about crossing Broadway Terrace heading sou...
nn_585318 viewsCaption of this photo says "On the through Havens", but I'm almost positive this is the trestle over Mountain Blvd in the village of Montclair. 1948 Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller17 comments06/25/04 at 22:55Guest: Another possibility: this is in Oakland's Montclai...
nn_585318 viewsCaption of this photo says "On the through Havens", but I'm almost positive this is the trestle over Mountain Blvd in the village of Montclair. 1948 Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller17 comments06/28/04 at 03:27Guest: Sam, I think I have to agree with you: the train i...
nn_585318 viewsCaption of this photo says "On the through Havens", but I'm almost positive this is the trestle over Mountain Blvd in the village of Montclair. 1948 Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller17 comments06/29/04 at 01:19Guest: Since the car next to the motor is a caboose, coul...
nn_585318 viewsCaption of this photo says "On the through Havens", but I'm almost positive this is the trestle over Mountain Blvd in the village of Montclair. 1948 Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller17 comments07/03/04 at 08:50Guest: Boy, for such a small question/remark at the top a...
nn_585318 viewsCaption of this photo says "On the through Havens", but I'm almost positive this is the trestle over Mountain Blvd in the village of Montclair. 1948 Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller17 comments06/25/04 at 22:28Guest: Hmmm the more I look at this photo, the more I thi...
nn_585318 viewsCaption of this photo says "On the through Havens", but I'm almost positive this is the trestle over Mountain Blvd in the village of Montclair. 1948 Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller17 comments06/26/04 at 23:18Guest: Well since I live in Montclair, I thought I'd go o...
nn_585318 viewsCaption of this photo says "On the through Havens", but I'm almost positive this is the trestle over Mountain Blvd in the village of Montclair. 1948 Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller17 comments06/26/04 at 02:44Guest: No it can't be Thornhill. Take a look at the Thorn...
SNfreight3908 viewsSN motors 660 and 661 lead a westward freight through the Montclair district in Oakland. This is just west of the bridge across Mountain Blvd. (the street shown in the background). Courtesy of John Stashik8 comments03/21/08 at 22:08sndave1954: 1939 seems to be the logical time for the tunnel c...
SNfreight3908 viewsSN motors 660 and 661 lead a westward freight through the Montclair district in Oakland. This is just west of the bridge across Mountain Blvd. (the street shown in the background). Courtesy of John Stashik8 comments03/20/08 at 19:56Tom Motter: The Montclair School was built in 1924. The Montcl...
SNfreight3908 viewsSN motors 660 and 661 lead a westward freight through the Montclair district in Oakland. This is just west of the bridge across Mountain Blvd. (the street shown in the background). Courtesy of John Stashik8 comments04/22/07 at 17:32Guest-fan: Watched those trains pass by the school yard while...
SNfreight3908 viewsSN motors 660 and 661 lead a westward freight through the Montclair district in Oakland. This is just west of the bridge across Mountain Blvd. (the street shown in the background). Courtesy of John Stashik8 comments12/20/04 at 19:19Jon: This is one of the few pictures I have seen of the...
SNfreight3908 viewsSN motors 660 and 661 lead a westward freight through the Montclair district in Oakland. This is just west of the bridge across Mountain Blvd. (the street shown in the background). Courtesy of John Stashik8 comments01/26/05 at 06:18sndave1954: Yes, the row is still intact from Thornhill to the...
SNfreight3908 viewsSN motors 660 and 661 lead a westward freight through the Montclair district in Oakland. This is just west of the bridge across Mountain Blvd. (the street shown in the background). Courtesy of John Stashik8 comments05/28/04 at 21:43Guest: This fill stretched all the way from the Mountain ...
pacrailnews3_4_72d3323 viewsGreat shot of Thornhill overpass at Moraga Rd in Oakland. I go by this spot almost every day. The trestle and concrete piers are gone, but you can still see the grade on the right side. The grade on the left has been leveled and is now the onramp for Hwy7 comments05/04/08 at 03:41jill: Its a nice corner now with historical reference to...
pacrailnews3_4_72d3323 viewsGreat shot of Thornhill overpass at Moraga Rd in Oakland. I go by this spot almost every day. The trestle and concrete piers are gone, but you can still see the grade on the right side. The grade on the left has been leveled and is now the onramp for Hwy7 comments03/30/08 at 23:30Sam: Now the site of the smallest park in the Bay Area....
nn_703405 viewsLake Temescal cut. I believe we're looking north. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller16 comments06/09/04 at 04:17Don MacLeod: Upon further consideration, this could be just bel...
nn_703405 viewsLake Temescal cut. I believe we're looking north. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller16 comments06/08/04 at 16:07Don MacLeod: I'm not positive, but I think this shot is just Ea...
nn_703405 viewsLake Temescal cut. I believe we're looking north. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller16 comments06/08/05 at 21:00Doug MacLeod: Looking West standing on Hwy 24. Train is about to...
temescal5042 viewsTrain crossing Lake Temescal. This is an unusual shot because this area was later filled in and the trestle was no longer needed. If you go to Lake Temescal now, it is a little difficult to figure out exactly where this was (at least for me).14 comments10/13/06 at 17:58Evan S.: Perhaps the lake was bigger back then? With the fr...
temescal5042 viewsTrain crossing Lake Temescal. This is an unusual shot because this area was later filled in and the trestle was no longer needed. If you go to Lake Temescal now, it is a little difficult to figure out exactly where this was (at least for me).14 comments05/10/04 at 03:06Guest: If you walk along the east side of the lake (beach...
R_O_W_Temescal_Looking_West4546 viewsR.O.W. @ Temescal--Looking West.JPG4 comments03/30/08 at 23:22Sam: Lots of questions about this one. Doesn't the ROW ...
R_O_W_Temescal_Looking_West4546 viewsR.O.W. @ Temescal--Looking West.JPG4 comments06/19/04 at 20:28jbrad1974: This is actually closer to Rockridge than Temescal...
R_O_W_Temescal_Looking_West4546 viewsR.O.W. @ Temescal--Looking West.JPG4 comments06/20/04 at 04:03Guest: Yeah I was actually going to say that this didn't ...
nn_674707 viewsIn and around Montclair ROW. Roger's 1948 Nash on the left. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller18 comments04/22/07 at 17:10Guest-fan: Lots of oak trees and dry grass. Looks like the ea...
nn_674707 viewsIn and around Montclair ROW. Roger's 1948 Nash on the left. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller18 comments11/10/06 at 21:20snfan: somebody figure it out please.
nn_674707 viewsIn and around Montclair ROW. Roger's 1948 Nash on the left. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller18 comments06/09/04 at 04:29Don MacLeod: Don't know where this is, but it's not in Montclai...
nn_674707 viewsIn and around Montclair ROW. Roger's 1948 Nash on the left. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller18 comments06/09/04 at 16:14Key Route Ken: I don't think its Golden Gate.. Its that little ro...
nn_674707 viewsIn and around Montclair ROW. Roger's 1948 Nash on the left. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller18 comments06/07/05 at 22:59Doug MacLeod: Golden Gate Ave. ddid have a wig wag signal. It is...
nn_674707 viewsIn and around Montclair ROW. Roger's 1948 Nash on the left. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller18 comments06/29/04 at 04:13Guest: I don't think it's any of those places. From the g...
nn_674707 viewsIn and around Montclair ROW. Roger's 1948 Nash on the left. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller18 comments06/09/04 at 16:24Guest: Maybe it's Roble Rd?
nn_653694 viewsPhoto caption says "Montclair", but this looks like Chabot Rd overpass. 1948. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller2 comments06/07/05 at 22:35Doug MacLeod: Chabot Rd., looking east. Chabot Grammer School be...
nn_653694 viewsPhoto caption says "Montclair", but this looks like Chabot Rd overpass. 1948. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller2 comments06/08/04 at 07:14Guest: This is definitely the Chabot Rd. Overpass, assumi...
RRcaratChabot4568 viewsJune 1941 photo of the GSTHS car at Chabot. Courtesy of W.T. Larkins9 comments10/22/03 at 00:31Guest: Is this of the sideing area at Rockridge? That is,...
RRcaratChabot4568 viewsJune 1941 photo of the GSTHS car at Chabot. Courtesy of W.T. Larkins9 comments03/22/05 at 04:05Key Route Ken: 59th Street Yard, near Chabot School..
RRcaratChabot4568 viewsJune 1941 photo of the GSTHS car at Chabot. Courtesy of W.T. Larkins9 comments06/04/04 at 03:15Jim Baker: GHTHS: Golden State Transportation Historical Soci...
463 files on 13 page(s) 10