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F_tunnel_MDO223096 views"F" train for San Francisco exits Northbrae Tunnel, Berkeley, at Hopkins St. Photo by Michael Ongerth. John Stashik Collection02/18/15 at 13:58Guest_Jeff Allen: We moved to a house on The Alameda at Solano in th...

SNRR661atchabot3264 viewsFreight motor 661 heading west at Chabot. 1946-47 Courtesy of W.T. Larkins01/27/15 at 18:26Guest_Cheryl Johnson: My grandfather Edwin Moen drove this engine.

SNRRfreightDiesel1432143 viewsDiesel 143 next to Port Chicago Highway north of Concord on April 3, 1964. Courtesy of W.T. Larkins07/20/14 at 16:15Guest_Dave H.: I use to see this SN 44 Ton Switcher, # 143, alon...

Sacramento_Northern_Ohmer_Flagstop_0162996 viewsThis is the Ohmer flagstop, located near the present North Concord BART station. This point is roughly half-way between Concord and Clyde.07/20/14 at 16:10Guest_Dave H.: Yes this is where the 2 BART Rail Trains had troub...

Sacramento_Northern_North_6th_Street_Concord_0254449 viewsThis is the North 6th Street crossing in Concord, as it appeared in the early 1970's. By that time, very little traffic traveled on the line, and it was soon removed back to Clyde. BART now crosses under this same location.07/20/14 at 15:56Guest_Dave H.: In the early 1960's, my fiends and I use to s...

nn_674707 viewsIn and around Montclair ROW. Roger's 1948 Nash on the left. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller01/31/14 at 19:47Guest_cmac: Agree with SS, crossing St. Mary's Rd at the ...

nn_674707 viewsIn and around Montclair ROW. Roger's 1948 Nash on the left. Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller01/23/14 at 18:01Guest_Chuck M: Stuart is correct as to the location of this photo...

snsubstation2957 viewsSN substation right at east portal tunnel in the Oakland/Canyon hills.01/21/14 at 21:56Guest_Jeff: Fairly modern looking building.

keysystemmap546492 viewsOld map of Key Route system. Key's Berkeley trains to Sacramento Street are still "proposed". Thanks to Stash for forwarding this one over. Click on image a 2nd time to display full size image.12/16/13 at 12:24Guest_log cabins kits: I read this paragraph fully regarding the resembla...

Rockridge5687 viewsA Westbound interurban approaches the Rockridge grade crossing.10/21/13 at 15:57Guest_Taylor Wolett (WRM): SN 1005 is running currently at the Western Railwa...

wheelwell5447 viewsThis is a view of what is being called the concrete bunker. According to the maps, this was the upper portion of a cable tram which traversed down to about the middle of where Hwy 13 is now. On the right side was a conveyor tram which went down to over Hw09/09/13 at 21:46Guest_Erich Hayner: Amusingly enough, while researching the general ar...

35454 viewsMolina November 2009. Looking south at switch with replacement ties - power poles on their way - not long now until service resumes? 08/22/13 at 01:26admin: Testing

2005_0501_190557AA1738 viewsThis is another view of the Las Juntas crossing location. The actual location is obscurred with development, although I believe it was near where the BART tracks presently are. There is even a short street named Las Juntas.07/28/13 at 03:05Guest_tim jones: I grew up a block from that crossing... used to ru...

save00154869 views#271 special car in cut between Broadway and Piedmont station on C line. Note block signal for single track use. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room07/08/13 at 21:58Guest_Ian Narita: 271 has been preserved at the Western Railway Muse...

save00104942 viewsKS Special using SN 1005 up on B line at Underhills J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room07/08/13 at 21:28Guest_Ian Narita: It looks like a railfan special. I am not sure but...

F_tunnel_MDO223096 views"F" train for San Francisco exits Northbrae Tunnel, Berkeley, at Hopkins St. Photo by Michael Ongerth. John Stashik Collection06/21/13 at 00:12Guest_Dave Selvy: We would get up at first light and get out the mow...

Key_7_Arlington_Ardmore5314 viewsKey System 7 car at end of track, Kensington, 1947. The motorman has not changed poles yet. The other end of the route ran up Euclid Ave. in Berkeley. John Stashik Collection06/20/13 at 23:49Guest_Dave Selvy: When I was a kid, we took this trolley to Indian R...

SPpass2824 viewsSouthern Pacific employee pass 1937-39 for Mrs. Clayton E. Ward. Courtesy of John Stashik05/07/13 at 03:01Guest_James Ward Menees: Clayton E. Ward was my great uncle who lived with ...

Key_System_station17337 viewsKey System Piedmont Station. Clock tower and building to left still exist to this day. There is a Key System plaque now right about where that C train is. Thanks to Greg Weirich for permission to post. Photo by J C Weirich03/11/13 at 20:45Guest_Fergus Hammond: Here's the Google Maps view of the same place...

SNfreight3908 viewsSN motors 660 and 661 lead a westward freight through the Montclair district in Oakland. This is just west of the bridge across Mountain Blvd. (the street shown in the background). Courtesy of John Stashik03/11/13 at 03:37Guest_sntrj: Grew up a few blocks away on Colton. Too young to ...

R_O_W_Temescal_Looking_West4546 viewsR.O.W. @ Temescal--Looking West.JPG01/19/13 at 19:15Guest_BobZ: I concur with jbrad. I've taken virtually thi...

keysystemmap546492 viewsOld map of Key Route system. Key's Berkeley trains to Sacramento Street are still "proposed". Thanks to Stash for forwarding this one over. Click on image a 2nd time to display full size image.12/18/12 at 08:18Guest_Jafafa: You do not get a copyright on a scan of public dom...

SNRRshafterncollege3810 viewsShafter and College Avenues 1946 Courtesy of W.T. Larkins11/09/12 at 17:49Guest_John R.: This spot is now the WB viaduct of Route 24 freewa...

nn_934299 viewsBroadway and Shafter at Anthony Wayne Chabot Grammer School. 1948 Photo courtesy of Roger K. Heller11/09/12 at 17:35Guest_John R.: In 1948, the street in the foreground is still Bro...

clinespecial7936 views#271 Special car at Oakland Ave end of C line. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room10/19/12 at 03:17Guest_John R.: You can see the current scene at

26thSt_spanwire4496 viewsRemnants of the past in West Oakland.06/26/12 at 17:39Guest_Haunt: This was a remnant of the freight arm of Key Syste...

Meinert_Junction_for_Walwood_Branch4446 viewsThis junction is at Meinert, about halfway between Concord and Walnut Creek. The track leading to the left is the remains of the Walwood Branch, long abandoned by the time this picture was taken. Photo from the SN Online website.06/24/12 at 17:30Guest_Craig: My guess is that this photo was taken from the wat...

sndepot22254 viewsSN depot. Location unknown. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection06/23/12 at 18:39Guest_thommayer: The sign in the shadow is the east side of the bui...

23_G4000 viewsSecond shot. Old SP cars in WRM boneyard Photo by Evan06/13/12 at 21:45Guest_Sam: does anybody know where these cars are located?

SNRRcaboose16362072 viewsCaboose 1636 on a train alongside Port Chicago Highway 4-3-64. Courtesy of W.T. Larkins03/10/12 at 15:30Guest_Tom H.: That is going up the north side of Ohmer Hill. Th...

Sacramento_Northern_Ohmer_Flagstop_0162996 viewsThis is the Ohmer flagstop, located near the present North Concord BART station. This point is roughly half-way between Concord and Clyde.03/10/12 at 15:24Guest_Tom H.: The concrete railings are the bridge over highway ...

Arroyo_before_after9860 viewsArroyo Ave, Oakland. Before & After. Inset: Key System 687 on the C-Piedmont line just east of Grand Ave (date unknown). The tracks running straight are for the 10-Piedmont Ave streetcar line. Now photo taken summer of 2002 by Sam Lewit01/16/12 at 02:52Guest_CKShattuck: There is a city of Piedmont, they have their own p...

snunk52843 viewsBurton station. Located between Lafayette and St. Mary's. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection11/07/11 at 04:10Guest_Sally: I love this site! I grew up about 1/4 mile E of he...

Key96737164 viewsKey System 18 car turns from Lakeshore Av. onto Walla Vista in Oakland. Courtesy of John Stashik10/15/11 at 23:27Guest_John R.: It's Line 18.

snsubstation2957 viewsSN substation right at east portal tunnel in the Oakland/Canyon hills.08/23/11 at 02:14Guest_Stuart Swiedler: This is indeed the substation at West Lafayette ju...

snmoraga12740 viewsSN in Moraga. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection08/21/11 at 18:27Guest_Sean: I'm pretty sure this is School Street in Mora...
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