Last comments - Santa Fe |

ferry_point_Apr604064 viewsSanta Fe Railway at Ferry Point in Richmond. April 1960 Courtesy of John Stashik08/20/07 at 04:22Bill Mc: My grand dad Vern mason was train master here duri...

w_FerryPt_Jan035193 viewsSanta Fe Railway at Ferry Point Richmond as it is today (Jan 2003). At one time the fleet of Santa Fe tugs and car barges shuttled between Ferry Point (Richmond) and: China Basin (SF); Pier 41 (SF); Alice Street (Oakland); Alameda and Tiburon. Co05/27/08 at 13:53Sam: Yeah the link doesn't work, but if you look in the...

w_FerryPt_Jan035193 viewsSanta Fe Railway at Ferry Point Richmond as it is today (Jan 2003). At one time the fleet of Santa Fe tugs and car barges shuttled between Ferry Point (Richmond) and: China Basin (SF); Pier 41 (SF); Alice Street (Oakland); Alameda and Tiburon. Co05/27/08 at 07:26lightsped500: The link to the Barge Terminal in SF would not wor...

w_FerryPt_Jan035193 viewsSanta Fe Railway at Ferry Point Richmond as it is today (Jan 2003). At one time the fleet of Santa Fe tugs and car barges shuttled between Ferry Point (Richmond) and: China Basin (SF); Pier 41 (SF); Alice Street (Oakland); Alameda and Tiburon. Co05/18/07 at 00:24Jaime Guerrero: regarding photo w_FerryPt_Jan03, there is an ident...