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portablesub3310 viewsSN portable sub-station near Marysville. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection02/19/05 at 06:05Guest: This car can now be seen at the Western Railway Mu...

snunk32478 viewsNear Marysville WP station? Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection07/26/07 at 21:38: The overpass just ahead in the distance is the WP ...

snunk32478 viewsNear Marysville WP station? Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection01/06/04 at 04:48Guest: Having grown up in Yuba City. This would be lookin...

Woodland_Interlocking8215 viewsThis is the Woodland interlocking tower, where the SN's Woodland branch crossed over the SP. Photo from the SN Online website.06/28/04 at 00:36Key Route Ken: This was actually known as the MIKON TOWER... It w...

Woodland_Interlocking8215 viewsThis is the Woodland interlocking tower, where the SN's Woodland branch crossed over the SP. Photo from the SN Online website.06/28/04 at 07:14Guest: There were two interlocking towers on the Woodland...

Woodland_Interlocking8215 viewsThis is the Woodland interlocking tower, where the SN's Woodland branch crossed over the SP. Photo from the SN Online website.06/28/04 at 07:17Guest: This site is now occupied by a 7-Eleven store. Tod...

Sacramento_Union_Station_Front6034 viewsThis is Sacramento's Union Station. At one time, this station was served by THREE different railroad companies--Oakland, Antioch, & Eastern, Northern Electric, and Central California Traction.07/03/08 at 03:40Haunt: The correct names embedded in the plaques were as ...

Sacramento_Union_Station_Front6034 viewsThis is Sacramento's Union Station. At one time, this station was served by THREE different railroad companies--Oakland, Antioch, & Eastern, Northern Electric, and Central California Traction.02/06/05 at 10:01Key Route Ken: As I recall, the RR Names that were actually place...

Sacramento_Union_Station_Front6034 viewsThis is Sacramento's Union Station. At one time, this station was served by THREE different railroad companies--Oakland, Antioch, & Eastern, Northern Electric, and Central California Traction.09/27/04 at 19:47Patrick: The Best Western Sutter House motel at 11th and H ...

Sacramento_Union_Station_Front6034 viewsThis is Sacramento's Union Station. At one time, this station was served by THREE different railroad companies--Oakland, Antioch, & Eastern, Northern Electric, and Central California Traction.11/11/04 at 13:03Guest: Actually the street is called Terminal Way, as it ...

sn1003tr32189 viewsSN 1003 on track 3 in Sacramento. Note Capitol dome in backround and Chevy truck & trailer. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection03/19/06 at 01:11Steve: This street is what would now be known as Capitol ...

Sacramento_Tower_Bridge_1935_Westbound3457 viewsThis is the East end of the Tower Bridge, as it appeared for its opening in 1935. Note the SP Walnut Grove branch crossing in the foreground. This interlocking was controlled by a flagman.07/21/08 at 18:16John Snyder: The building at the left is the River Lines Termin...

Sacramento_Tower_Bridge_with_SN_221_19382901 viewsSN 221 crosses the Tower Bridge in Sacramento in 1938. I believe it is bound for Woodland.03/19/06 at 00:56Steve: Beautiful picture. I think, though, that the train...

Sacramento_Capitol_Ave_Xing2646 viewsThis is an arial view of the mainline entering the Tower Bridge in Sacramento. Notice the track enters down the center of the bridge, blocking all traffic entering into Sacramento on West Capitol Ave. (formerly M St.).11/14/04 at 22:26Guest: M Street was only on the Sacramento side of the ri...

Sacramento_Capitol_Ave_Xing2646 viewsThis is an arial view of the mainline entering the Tower Bridge in Sacramento. Notice the track enters down the center of the bridge, blocking all traffic entering into Sacramento on West Capitol Ave. (formerly M St.).11/16/04 at 17:32Guest: The current tower bridge replaced an original brid...

snunk42074 viewsLocation unknown. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection06/26/04 at 02:14Guest: Due to the fact that overhead wire is being used, ...

Clarksburg_Branch_facing_Sacramento2573 viewsA view of the Clarksburg Branch heading back to Riverview. These tracks were used by the Yolo Shortline, but were abandoned when Sierra Railway took ownership. These tracks may soon be removed.04/17/07 at 23:59mike gillman: i was the conductor on one of the last trains that...

Clarksburg_Branch_facing_Sacramento2573 viewsA view of the Clarksburg Branch heading back to Riverview. These tracks were used by the Yolo Shortline, but were abandoned when Sierra Railway took ownership. These tracks may soon be removed.10/31/05 at 18:19Chuck: They are fools to throw away a peice of a little r...

Clarksburg_Branch_Babel_Slough_Road_facing_Clarksburg2749 viewsA view of the Babel Slough Rd. grade crossing, facing towards Oxford.03/11/05 at 05:47Guest: This is on the Clarksburg Branch, not the mainline...

Clarksburg_Branch_Babel_Slough_Road_facing_Sacramento3118 viewsA view of the Babel Slough Rd. grade crossing, facing towards Riverview.03/11/05 at 05:46Guest: This is on the Clarskburg branch, not the mainline...

Mainline_R_O_W_Vacaville_Junction_facing_North2993 viewsThis is a view of the r.o.w. for the mainline at Dozier (Vacaville Junction).06/07/08 at 13:55Key Route Ken: It is at this location, just slightly straight ahe...

Mainline_R_O_W_Vacaville_Junction_facing_North2993 viewsThis is a view of the r.o.w. for the mainline at Dozier (Vacaville Junction).03/11/05 at 05:43Guest: Another view of the wye at Dozier (not Vacaville J...

Vacaville_Junction_Facing_South2326 viewsThis view is from Dozier (also known as Vacaville Junction), looking railroad West (South). This portion of the line is now owned by the Western Railway Museum.03/11/05 at 05:40Guest: This is a view of the trestle at Dozier, looking S...

Rio_Vista_Junction_19401983 viewsThis is a view of Rio Vista Junction, as it appeared in 1940. The bridge in the background in State Highway 12. Photo is from the Western Railway Museum website.07/10/05 at 00:55Robert Bloomfield: The electrification from the Western Railway Museu...

Shiloh_Road_Facing_Molena3493 viewsThis is the Shiloh Road safety stop for the Western Railway Museum, looking West towards Molena.06/02/08 at 18:19Haunt: Mr.Cain, Your donation has gone to a very good cau...

Shiloh_Road_Facing_Molena3493 viewsThis is the Shiloh Road safety stop for the Western Railway Museum, looking West towards Molena.11/17/06 at 16:15Fred M. Cain: A few years ago the museum ran ads in railfan maga...

Shiloh_Road_Facing_Garfield1969 viewsThis is a view of the Shiloh Road grade crossing, near the former Garfield flagstop.06/02/08 at 18:12Haunt: Gum Grove refers to the grove of trees aproximatly...

Shiloh_Road_Facing_Garfield1969 viewsThis is a view of the Shiloh Road grade crossing, near the former Garfield flagstop.03/11/05 at 05:33Guest: This location was actually called Gum Grove, accor...

Mainline_Birds_Landing_facing_Rio_Vista_Junction2604 viewsA view of the Mainline at Birds Landing, looking East towards Garfield.06/02/08 at 18:09Haunt: Since this photo, the Western Railway Museum has r...

Molena_facing_Rio_Vista_Junction2290 viewsA view of the tracks at Molena, looking towards Garfield. These tracks are now owned by the Western Railway Museum.03/11/05 at 05:28Guest: A recent visit to the Western Railway Museum (Janu...

Molena_facing_Rio_Vista_Junction2290 viewsA view of the tracks at Molena, looking towards Garfield. These tracks are now owned by the Western Railway Museum.07/10/05 at 00:51Robert Bloomfield: 2006!

MP_52_Sign_Molena_facing_Montezuma2557 viewsI'm not sure if this is original or not, but this is the marker for Milepost 52 near Molena.07/10/05 at 00:51Robert Bloomfield: This is the only siding still intact for a couple ...

Molena_facing_Montezuma2522 viewsA view of the tracks at Molena, looking towards Montezuma (Dutton).06/02/08 at 18:00Haunt: a.d.2008 The missing rails on the right most track...

Molena_facing_Montezuma2522 viewsA view of the tracks at Molena, looking towards Montezuma (Dutton).07/10/05 at 00:49Robert Bloomfield: These traks at Molena are owned by the Western Rai...

snferryload2087 viewsSN ferry slip. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection04/27/07 at 03:20T. Parkinson: This looks Like the ferry slip at Chipps Is. becau...

snferryload2087 viewsSN ferry slip. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection03/11/05 at 05:23Guest: This is the ferry slip at Chipps, after crossing t...