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Last comments - Sacramento Northern
stmarys43608 viewsEntrance to St Mary's College in Moraga with a small inset of same exact view when SN trains ran through. There is no trace of the ROW on or near this road. If you go off just a bit to the left, the ROW begins in kind of a weird jungle like atmosphere. Se8 comments01/21/10 at 01:12Guest_chris price: you are correct Haunt, the train is headed east to...
nn_33987 viewsLeaving Moraga. Heading west. 1948. There is a mix-up on who took this photo. I'm working on resolving it, but at this point it looks like it's either Roger K. Heller or William T. Larkins.19 comments01/21/10 at 00:42Guest_chris price: the train is moving west along what is now the end...
SNRRshafterncollege3810 viewsShafter and College Avenues 1946 Courtesy of W.T. Larkins16 comments12/05/09 at 07:32Guest_Dave: While Shafter now bends to the east on south side ...
Clayton_Road_Xing2640 viewsThis is a view of the Clayton Road grade crossing, near the Concord depot. This photo was taken after abandonment of the Oakland to Walnut Creek portion. Photo is from the SN Yahoo! group.7 comments11/20/09 at 04:33Guest_Anon: can anyone take a photo from this viewpoint now? I...
Molena_facing_Rio_Vista_Junction2290 viewsA view of the tracks at Molena, looking towards Garfield. These tracks are now owned by the Western Railway Museum.7 comments11/16/09 at 00:07Guest_Anon: November 2009: Ties have been replaced, debris cle...
SNRR420unknownloc6868 viewsSN 420 at unknown location in 1946. Courtesy of W.T. Larkins15 comments08/25/09 at 06:49Guest_Richard Miller: definitely Yuba City. I worked for SN in Yuba City...
SNRRshafterncollege3810 viewsShafter and College Avenues 1946 Courtesy of W.T. Larkins16 comments08/01/09 at 14:11Guest_Tom Motter: This train is going through the intersection of Co...
sn1003tr32189 viewsSN 1003 on track 3 in Sacramento. Note Capitol dome in backround and Chevy truck & trailer. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection5 comments06/28/09 at 19:46Guest_Anon: All the buildings you see on M street were demolis...
nn_616574 viewsGreat shot of train approaching the west portal of the Oakland Hills tunnel. 1948 Photo courtesy of William T. Larkins22 comments06/02/09 at 20:41Guest_Anon: 100% positively west side. Eastport east side had ...
nn_616574 viewsGreat shot of train approaching the west portal of the Oakland Hills tunnel. 1948 Photo courtesy of William T. Larkins22 comments06/02/09 at 11:51Guest_gerow: look like the Eastport location; the Havens portal...
eastport100312036 viewsThe best shot I've ever seen of the east portal of the Oakland Hills tunnel. This is a Bay Area Electric Railroad Association excursion taken in January 1957. Perhaps the very last passenger train through this tunnel. Photo courtesy of Donald Duke from t9 comments05/21/09 at 23:05Guest_Jim Baker: I can see now how the top part came down over the ...
snsubstation2957 viewsSN substation right at east portal tunnel in the Oakland/Canyon hills.6 comments05/21/09 at 17:31Guest_Tom Irion: Could this be West Lafayette?
Eastport after abandonment 195717127 viewsAmazing photo of SN at Eastport after abandonment in April 1957. This was the eastern side of the Oa36 comments06/08/08 at 16:40Sam: Wow I've got to thank Ken for sending me this phot...
SN 44-tonner at Reed3274 viewsSN 44-tonner at Reed, 1963. Photo by John Harder. Thanks to Key Route Ken for supplying the image.6 comments07/22/08 at 22:03snry27: This is definitely 18th and D in Sacramento. Reed ...
SN 44-tonner at Reed3274 viewsSN 44-tonner at Reed, 1963. Photo by John Harder. Thanks to Key Route Ken for supplying the image.6 comments07/03/08 at 03:47Haunt: This curve and the Blue Diamond Almond Co. that I ...
unk228150 viewsUnknown location. Rare(ish) color photo. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room8 comments01/04/05 at 21:20Stash: Looks like PACIFIC ELECTRIC in Los Angeles. Likely...
unk228150 viewsUnknown location. Rare(ish) color photo. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room8 comments01/09/05 at 16:23Charles Wherry: This is Pacific Electric motor 1624 at Watts, Cali...
unk228150 viewsUnknown location. Rare(ish) color photo. J.G.Graham Collection Courtesy of the Oakland History Room8 comments01/12/05 at 05:40Sam: This photo was about a 3x5 photo glued to a piece ...
snsubstation2957 viewsSN substation right at east portal tunnel in the Oakland/Canyon hills.6 comments06/07/08 at 14:02Key Route Ken: This is definitely NOT the Substation at EASTPORT ...
snsubstation2957 viewsSN substation right at east portal tunnel in the Oakland/Canyon hills.6 comments05/08/04 at 17:53Guest: I'm not so sure the description of this is right. ...
snmeteor2434 viewsSN Meteor Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection5 comments06/02/08 at 22:46Haunt: It appears this train is on the siding. S.N. pract...
snmeteor2434 viewsSN Meteor Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection5 comments04/24/05 at 01:55david w: I don't know where this picture is (the south end ...
SNtrain62343 viewsSN train 6, location and date unknown. Courtesy of John Stashik6 comments07/03/08 at 03:17Haunt: This can almost only be between Eastport and Pineh...
SNtrain62343 viewsSN train 6, location and date unknown. Courtesy of John Stashik6 comments10/22/03 at 00:07Guest: Or Redwood Canyon?
SNtrain62343 viewsSN train 6, location and date unknown. Courtesy of John Stashik6 comments10/22/03 at 00:06Guest: Looks a lot like the location is on Shephard Canyo...
SNtrain62343 viewsSN train 6, location and date unknown. Courtesy of John Stashik6 comments06/25/04 at 16:51Guest: Greetings from Balad, Redwood canyon, for sure.
SNtrain62343 viewsSN train 6, location and date unknown. Courtesy of John Stashik6 comments06/25/04 at 16:51Guest: Greetings from Balad, Redwood canyon, for sure.
SN1005rose2049 viewsFormer SN 1005, owned by BAERA, on Key System trackage at Rose Street in Berkeley. Courtesy of John Stashik1 comments05/18/05 at 07:56dave: Wondering why this is an 'excursion' as in 1952 th...
cable35267 viewsThis location is at the east portal of the tunnel. If you go, while looking at where the tunnel portal was, you'll see a small hillside on the right. These were some mildly rusty guy wires attached to an eye bolt in the ground. If you look at the photo of29 comments03/29/08 at 02:12cuzzy: cave in would be in order. I know of one in the 60...
cable35267 viewsThis location is at the east portal of the tunnel. If you go, while looking at where the tunnel portal was, you'll see a small hillside on the right. These were some mildly rusty guy wires attached to an eye bolt in the ground. If you look at the photo of29 comments11/17/06 at 16:21Fred M. Cain: Does anybody know what kind of condition the inter...
SNRRtracksnswitches2108 viewsSN tracks and switches, at Chico? 1946-47 Courtesy of W.T. Larkins18 comments05/30/08 at 02:04Haunt: This is also the shop tracks at Mulberry.
SNRRcarbarns1890 viewsCarbarn at Chico? Courtesy of W.T. Larkins1 comments01/22/04 at 02:36Steve: Yes, the Mulberry shops in Chico.
SNRR420unknownloc6868 viewsSN 420 at unknown location in 1946. Courtesy of W.T. Larkins15 comments01/22/04 at 02:28Steve: This is the northern end of the depot in Yuba City...
sndepot22254 viewsSN depot. Location unknown. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection9 comments01/22/04 at 02:42Steve: This is the south side of the Yuba City Depot
sndepot22254 viewsSN depot. Location unknown. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection9 comments05/10/04 at 14:50Don "Animal" MacLeod: I would bet good money that this is the Yuba City ...
portablesub3310 viewsSN portable sub-station near Marysville. Date unknown. J.G. Graham Collection4 comments07/22/08 at 22:07snry27: I am suspicious that this is NOT an SN Portable. N...
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